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Showing posts from October, 2022

October 26 - Task 1

This task's solution is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur by respecting the plagiarism and intellectual rights laws.  The table chart emphasises cinema attendance in Australia bearing all age groups, and the line graph focuses on cinema visits according to different age groups. Overall, the proportion of cinema lovers inclined with time, and the youngest age group opted for the highest visits.  According to the table, 62% of the population attended cinema halls in 1996 with 10.3 frequency. The proportion mushroomed by ten per cent after one year, and the frequency was 11.1. Almost the same proportion was registered from 1998 to 2000. Similarly, in 1998, the frequency was 8.3 which was nearly identical till 2000.  Heading towards a continuous line graph, ten people from the highest age group visited the cinema hall; however, the third age group registered twelve entries, and the first and second almost had similar visitors bearing fifteen. In 1997, all age groups kept on inclining the

October 25 - Personal Letter

  Last month you had a holiday overseas/local where you stayed with a friend. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: thank them for the photos and for the holiday explain why you didn’t write earlier invite them to come and stay with you Write at least  150  words. You do  NOT  need to write your own address. This material belongs to BAWA IELTS Ferozepur, and the words used here are fully novel. This letter holds copyright status. Dear Harish I hope this letter finds you well. We have spent a great time together that inculcated peace and tranquillity in me for a few months. I'm thankful to you for the amazing and memorable holidays we spent together at your place. Moreover, the photos you sent to me are wonderful, and a number of memories have been captured in them. The spectacular and mesmerizing landscapes act as a stress buster till the moment, owing to which I would like to visit again.  I'm sorry for writing late

October 25 - Task 1

  The solution belongs to BAWA IELTS Ferozepur. We have used our language and formation to write the answer by following the plagirarim and intellectual rights policy.  The table chart emphasises data about changes in commuting modes from 1985 to 2000. This information belongs to England, and the travelling units are in miles travelled per person per year. Overall, commuters covered more miles in the latter year than the former.   According to the data, walking, bicycling, and Local buses were the three modes of travelling that faced a drop in the passengers count. The first category tanked to 237 miles in 2000 from 255 in 1985. Bicycle riding declined by ten miles in fifteen years. It was 51 in 1985 and 41 in 2000. Local buses lost their charm since they covered 429 and 274 miles in 1985 and 2000, respectively.  Amongst all modes, cars registered the highest number of miles commuted per person per year. The miles were 3199 in the previous year and 4806 in the latter year. Long-distanc

Discuss the effect of globalization on third-world countries.

This essay is written by BAWA IELTS. We have considered the plagiarism policy here. A platform through which the whole world connects is considered globalisation. Countries engross in exports and imports owing to this concept. It has both upsides and downsides. As a result, this essay will address both merits and demerits of globalisation, especially in less developed nations.  On the one hand, globalisation invites a plethora of benefits in third-world nations. First and foremost is the availability of an international product in a developing nation. For instance, in developing countries such as India and Pakistan, plenty of international fruit varieties like kiwi from New Zealand and Apple Red Delicious from the USA have been made available which is only possible due to globalization. Moreover, international food chains like Subway and McDonald's provide lip-smacking meals to the people which is an advantageous outcome of globalisation. Therefore, globalisation provides innumerab

October 21 - Taak 1

This task one's answer is submitted by our Student named Sneha. It is well-written and covers all mentioned areas. The given diagrammatic view signifies the process of inducing electricity in a hydropower plant. Overall, it is conspicuous that the process of generating electricity commences with the collection of river water and concludes with the transmission of electricity to the natural grid. Altogether, it consists of a number of steps. During daylight, the river current is held back by a dam to compile water in a high-level reservoir. Proceeding further, the water flows downward through an intake tube into the lower part of the power station. In the course of this stage, under the pressure of water, the rotating turbines are spun to power the corresponding generator. Electricity produced by the generator is then disseminated through power lines to the natural grid system. After the revolving of the turbines, the water is released into a low-level reservoir for storage. At dusk

Of late, there has been a steady rise in the number of teenagers having social problems. Many people believe that it is because parents don’t spend enough time with their children due to their work commitments. Do you agree or disagree?

  Of late, there has been a steady rise in the number of teenagers having social problems. Many people believe that it is because parents don’t spend enough time with their children due to their work commitments. Do you agree or disagree? The contemporary era witnesses a motionless escalation in the count of young minds bearing social issues. A number of people believe, guardians do not spend quality time with their wards. Hence, I agree with this given notion.  To start with, scores of causes aggravate this issue, and I am of the opinion that every reason is because of the working scenario of parents. The primary justification is to make both ends meet, both father and mother work around the clock, which becomes an absolute need in their life. Owing to this, their descendants kill their precious time by staying alone at home and watching television and surfing the Internet. By doing so, they watch inappropriate content as well. As a result, society faces behavioural problems since the

October 20 - Task 1

  This task one's answer is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur. We have followed the plagiarism and intellectual rights policy while writing this.  A multiple-line graph illustrates the data about the US energy consumption by fuel. The information covers the period from 1980 to the projected year 2030. The units are in Quadrillion. Overall, petrol and oil will be the chief energy sources in the future too, as in the past.  In 1980, the US used 35 units of Petrol and Oil (PO), followed by 20 and 15.5 units of Natural Gas (NG) and Coal, respectively. Only 2.5 units each of Nuclear, Hydro, and Solar or Wind (SW) power were used to generate energy in the same year. All types faced a fluctuating trend, and after three decades, PO reached 43, Coal and NG clashed at 25, Nuclear power documented at the consistent digit of 7, SW was at 5, and Hydropower remained constant at 2.5. By 2030, Nuclear, SW, and Hydropower will touch 7.5, 6, and just below 2.5, respectively.   Similarly, in the future

October 19 - Task 1

  The line graph shows the sales figures for bananas imported to 4 countries from 1996 to 2004. The solution to this task is submitted by our student Simran Sharma. The task covers each aspect easily and belongs to seven bands. A multiple-line graph reveals the data regarding the bananas selling amount that imported to four diverse nations from 1996 to 2004. Moreover, the data has been calculated in USD per kg. Overall, the maximum dollars per kg had been given by Japan; however, the USA invested the lowest.  According to the given data, in 1996, exactly 2 USD per kg of bananas was imported to Japan and France each which was exactly doubled from the USA and 0.5 more than German. After two years, the amount of France remained identical; on the contrary, the USA, Germany and Japan inched up and reached nearly 1.3, 2.7 and 3, respectively. In 1999, all domains followed a declining trend; conversely, German, France and Japan roared and documented sharply 1.5, 2 and 2.5, individually, in 20

New Cue Card - The Most embarrassing moment in your life

  The Most embarrassing moment in your life You should say: When this happened Describe the event Why did you feel so much embarrassed and explain if can we avoid these kinds of incidents. Embarrassing moments add pain to people's lives and make a person feels shy or ashamed. I remember one of the most embarrassing moments in my life that I am going to discuss now. When this happened I did this embarrassing activity when I was in high school and when I came to my home from school, I was involved in this incident.  Describe the event I did this crime when I used the perfume of my cousin's brother named Burberry London, and I found it amazing. Hence, I faced the embarrassment when I stole the same perfume. In detail, I remember when I came back to my home and we had to get ready for a family function. Therefore, after taking bath, I was getting ready for the party. But, when I used the perfume of my cousin, I got allured toward it and hence, I stole it and placed it in my cupboar

October 18 - Task 1

  A multiple fluctuating line graph illustrates the comparative price variations for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (FFV), Sugar and Sweets (SS), and Carbonated Drinks (CD) from 1978 to 2009. Moreover, this chart has also provided information about a change in Consumer-Price Index (CPI). Overall, every given type recorded a price hike, and CPI also registered continuous inclination during three decades.  In 1979, all parameters were on nearly 60% changes including CPI, and approximately the same proportions were documented till 1981 in all categories. Again, the prices were fairly the same for all; however, SS reached just over 100%. In 1984, FFV tanked to 80%, but others kept on following an upward trend. In 1991, FFV noted  175% change which was close to 35%, 50%, and 55% more than CPI, SS, and CD, respectively.  After a decade, the highest change was enlisted in FFV at 250%. CPI was at 175%, SS reached 160%, and CD was at 125%. After facing the same trend in the coming years, the total

Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and imagmation than reading, to what extent do you agree ? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your experience on knowledge

Doing an enjoyable activity with a child can develop better skills and imagination than reading, to what extent do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your experience with knowledge  It is contended that performing a fun activity with a young one helps in fostering their skills and creativity more than making them read. I completely support the given viewpoint. There are plenty of facts behind my support for this notion. To start with, children's mind is like a plain paper sheet. Developing them into well-behaved human beings requires a multifaceted approach. To be more precise, providing  them with theoretical materials is not sufficient for their overall development instead the tiny tots will acquire more creative and imaginative minds if they are made involved in various fun activities. Moreover, engaging in a fun activity  enhances their confidence level. Furthermore, it helps in developing cognitive and motor skills. In addition, an im

October 17 - Task 1

The bar charts below show the number of hours each teacher spent teaching in different schools in four different countries in 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least  150  words. The number of hours spent by each teacher in teaching. This task's solution belongs to BAWA IELTS Ferozepur. We have written this task using our language and have considered the plagiarism and intellectual property right laws.  A multiple vertical bar graph focus on the duration of lectures in hours delivered by teachers in three types of schools. The data belongs to four major nations namely Japan, Spain, Iceland, and the USA in 2001 . Overall, teachers offered the highest count of hours in upper secondary schools compared to the other two categories.  In Japan, the tutors taught 600 hours in the primary wing which was 50 and 100 hours lesser than lower and upper secondary, respectively. The number of prim

October 14 - Task 2 for practice

  Sales companies often try to recruit people who are motivated by money, as they believe that it will make them work harder. do you believe people are motivated to work hard by money and what other factors should be considered when searching for new sales staff?

Some people believe that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Some people believe that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The solution to the essay is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur. We have followed the plagiarism and intellectual rights policy while writing it.   Pollution has become havoc for society and is escalating with each passing day. The major source of this pollution is engine-operated machines. Hence, a few individuals think that the government ought to incline fuel costs for cars and other vehicles. I strictly condemn the given notion since this will act as an extremely severe law. Moreover, the largest proportion of air pollution belongs to air tourism, not cars.  To start with, cars and other vehicles running on fossil fuels act as a backbone for society because people use them while commuting from one place to another. These modes have become the best transportation mediums and owing to these vehicles, it is n

October 14 - Task 1

  The charts below give information about the typical temperatures in London, New York, and Sydney as well as total hours of sunshine for each city. The multiple fluctuating line graph shows the annual typical temperatures in three major cities named London, New York and Sydney. Moreover, a table is given emphasising the total of hours. Overall, New York witnesses the highest sunshine hours; however, London hits the lowest. Further, Sydney has registered the highest temperature in December, but the other two cities are colder.  According to the provided data, New York registers 2.5 degrees, followed by London and Sydney at 9 and 26 degrees, respectively. This data belongs to January. After facing almost the same temperatures in February; the weather starts changing in April. In this month, both London and New York have identical digits at 10; conversely, Sydney records 22.5. It is owing to the geographical location of Sydney which is located in the Southern hemisphere. May and October

Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment. What damage does plastic do to the environment and living beings? What can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem?

Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment. What damage does plastic do to the environment and living beings? What can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem?  The modern era has witnessed an alarming rise in using plastic materials which are negatively impacting the ecosystem. Damage at a monumental level has been recorded owing to the usage of such materials. The authorities and people can reverse this trouble by following the process of recycling and reusability.  To start with, this planet has become a huge landfill due to massive plastic pollution. Moreover, I believe that now we are living on a plastic planet. Very little of the plastic we discard every day is recycled in waste-to-energy facilities. Much of it ends up in landfills, where it may take 1,000 years to decompose, leaching potentially toxic substances into the soil and water. Therefore, the soil and water on the planet have been widely polluted. Thus, people ar

October 13 - Task 1

  The graph below shows how elderly people in the United States spent their free time between 1980 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. This task one is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur by following the plagiarism policy. The multiple-line graph exhibits the leisure time activities of the more aged people in the United States from 1980 to 2010. Overall, hiking gained the highest popularity with time; however, theatre lost its charm over three decades.  According to the given data, five per cent of seniors surfed the Internet, three in ten did reading, half proportion went to the theatre, and three-fifth ratio watched TV. This data belongs to 1980. After a decade, the first category was boosted by five per cent, the second one polished by ten per cent, the third type plunged by twenty per cent, and watching TV fostered by five per cent. In 2000, surfing the Internet, reading, theatre, and watching TV record

Some people buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number of toys?

  Some people buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number of toys? Toys are a crucial part of a child's development, and a few parents prefer to present plenty of toys to their wards these days. Thus, this essay will address the merits and demerits of having an ocean of toys.  On the one hand, the primary benefit of having a large count of toys is that the learning horizon of a child touches the pinnacle of creativity and productivity. The best toys engage a child's senses, spark their imaginations and encourage them to interact with others. Moreover, every new shape, colour, texture, taste and sound is a learning experience for them. Toys with contrasting colours are fascinating to babies and stimulate their developing vision. Hence, toys foster cognitive and motor skills in these children. The secondary blessing is that one can learn and discover novel activities. In-depth, children a

October 12 - Task 1

  The given process chart layouts the procedure by which orange juice is generated. Moreover, it is executed in approximately eight discrete stages. Overall, the whole process initiates with harvesting the ripe oranges and concluding with the processed juice filled into bottles. According to the manifested pictorial, firstly, the oranges ready for consumption are harvested. This is followed by slicing up each unit into two parts, which are further squeezed to extract the juice. At this stage, the orange juice from concentrate ( FC) and not from concentrate ( NFC) is separated. Moving further, the FC one then goes through several additional stages.  To be more precise, at first, the mentioned juice type is concentrated by the major removal of water from it. Furthermore, it is stored in the tanks, from where is later commuted via a truck for the next stage of reconstitution. The concentrated liquid is hydrated to achieve a homogenous pattern of juice. Besides this, the prominent step of

October 11 - Task 1

  Three pie charts emphasise the mean proportion of particular meals of three different types of nutrients which are unhealthy for consumers if taken in excess.  The data belongs to the USA.  Overall, the highest ratio of these materials had been consumed at dinner; however, the lowest belonged to breakfast. According to the given data, 43% of Sodium was used at dinner. It was then followed by lunchtime by touching one per cent below three in ten. During breakfast and snacks, an identical proportion was registered. It was fourteen per cent each.  Heading towards Saturated fat, the peak amount was eaten at dinner again. It was 37%. This proportion was sixteen per cent, 21%, and eleven per cent more than snacks, breakfast, and lunch, respectively. Finally, added sugar had also used by people. Its maximum proportion was consumed in the evening time. It was 42%. At dinner, almost the half proportion was consumed compared to snacks. Lunch and Breakfast times were recorded at 19% and 16%, se