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Showing posts from July, 2022

Task 1. Tea Making Process. Flowchart

  The diagram illustrates how five tea types are produced after processing tea leaves. This task is written by our student Sneha Grover. It is fully checked for plagiarism using Turnitin Software.  The pictorial view signifies the production of five discrete varieties of tea. Overall, it is evident that although all the sorts of teas are fabricated from a similar kind of leaf, distinction in their assembling procedures provides rise to five contrasting heterogeneity of teas. According to the diagram, the root of producing dissimilar teas arises from a common origin that the leaf which is to be grown initiates the primary step. The secondary phase incorporates the plucking of a leaflet from the stalk followed by withering that further undergoes steaming and is thereby abided by rolling. Furthermore, two classifications are indicated named slight fermentation and full fermentation which are further proceeded from wilting. Afterwards, the leaf is sent for oven drying to obtain five varian

Talk about favourite colour.

  Talk about your favourite colour.  You should say:    what colour it is? how this colour is different from other colours? how do you feel about using this colour?  Explain why this is your favourite colour?  Colours play a pivotal role in everyone’s life and moreover, ingrain happiness and enthusiasm amongst the masses. I love almost every colour; however, now I will speak about my favourite one.   That colour is none other than Blue which represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity.   This colour is different from others since it provides tranquillity and rejuvenation.  I always feel motivated and encouraged while using this colour. Furthermore, it inculcates positive vibes in me to perform a particular task.   This is my favourite colour owing to a number of reasons:  A) First of all, the colour blue is significant in religious belief. It brings peace and moreover, it is believed that this col

Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports or music.

  Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports or music.    You should say  What it is?  When did you discover it?  How do you want to improve it?  And how do you feel about it?  BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  Everybody residing on this planet has a natural or innate talent that needs to mushroom regularly. I also have a talent that I would like to foster in the future and now going to discuss it.   What it is?  This talent is associated with music that I love the most and on a number of occasions, I like to sing songs.  When did you discover it?  I still remember the time when I was in primary school and once upon a time my class teacher told me to sing a song.  It was Saturday morning and our monthly school function was going on and that was the first time when I got a

Describe an electrical plant where electricity is produced in your hometown?

Describe an electrical plant where electricity is produced in your hometown?  0r Talk about a thermal power plant you visited. Where it is located?  When did you visit here?  Why did you Visit here?  Explain and share your experience?  BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  Electrical power plants are like the heart and soul of the general public since they provide us electricity without which we cannot (can’t) think of our survival. I have visited a thermal power plant a few months ago that I will now discuss in this cue card.  Q1. Where it is Located?  This power plant is none other than Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Power Plant located at Ghanauli Village near Ropar district in Punjab.   This power plant is one of the coal-based power plants of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited als

Talk about a time when you did not like the music played.

  Talk about a time when you did not like the music played. BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  Music is the food for the soul for a number of people and also by listening to music plenty of individuals feel rejuvenated. Like others, I love to listen to music since I am a melophile person, especially 'folk music which is the traditional music of my province Punjab. However, in this cue card, I will discuss an event where I disliked the music going on. 1. What the instance was? I still remember the time when I was invited to the retirement party of my uncle. This party was organised in candlewood resort in my hometown just two months ago. 2. Why did you feel bored? Everything at the party was in apple-pie order such as mouthwatering meals, decorations and beverages with exceptionally s

Task one. Process

  This task is written by our student " Sneha Grover" . We have considered plagiarism policy too in this task. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  The given diagrammatic view demonstrates how honey is obtained from bees. In addition, it also reveals the mechanism and discrete phases of production of honey from hexagonal honeycomb structure. Overall, it is evident that the collection of nectar which is a sweet liquid produced by flowers, and after evaporation of water honey is produced. According to the given figure, bees fly from their bee-hive where they live which is of a cell-shaped appearance toward flowers, thereby indicating the second stage. Nectar is being sucked by these drones, and in the cell which is pinpointed in a hive, the bees accumulate collected nectar which is alluded to by step four. Moving forward to the fifth stage, the nectar is cool down by the flies in the e

Practice Essay

  IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about  40  minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets, and there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Task one. July 26

The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. »  Write at least 150 words. This task 1 is written by our student named "Dr Thind" from Ferozepur. We have considered plagiarism policy too in this task. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  There are two process charts given below. One of these reveals information about the lifecycle of the silkworm which is continuous process, and the second one illustrates the production of silk cloth. Overall, the whole process is composed of different stages.  Starting with the first diagram, the silkworm lays a number of eggs on mulberry leaves. The budding embryos inside the fertilized eggs take ten days to form silkworm larva. These larvae keep feeding on mulberry leaves during thei

Task 1. Home Practice. Process Chart Lady Bird

  This task is written by our student Gautam. It covers almost every area asked. This Process chart reveals the life cycle of a ladybird and its Anatomy. The process includes four steps commencing from Eggs to emerging as an Adult Ladybug. Its Anatomy is described Structurally from the top that is its Head to the Abdomen. According to the First diagram the Ladybug Lays eggs on the leaf on which it lives, moreover, the egg stage has a cycle of 2 to 5 Days. Furthermore, the eggs evolved to a location known as larva. After 21 days the Larva is converted to the third stage generally known as Pupa when the larva completely covers itself in the leaf nevertheless the embryo inside the Pupa starts evolving. After 7 days the Pupa breaks out and an Adult Ladybug emerges. According to the second diagram, the very first Organ in Ladybug's Anatomy is its Head. Secondly, there are two Antennas on either side. The following vital Organ is the Eyes, which then lead to the last part of the upper bo

Task 1. Process. Butterfly Stages

  BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  The process chart reveals information about the life cycle of a butterfly. Overall, a total of five stages are included starting from laying eggs to an adult.  According to the diagram, this lifecycle commences with laying eggs and ends when an adult emerges from the chrysalis as a pupa. Firstly, the female butterfly lays eggs on the leaf named milkwood where she lives. The larva comes out from the egg within 5 to 10 days. It is called the larva caterpillar stage.  The evolution of the embryo transpires within three weeks. It is called the second stage. The next stage is known as chrysalis formation where a pupa is developed by the caterpillar. In this stage, the caterpillar covers itself in the leaf completely. It is called the third stage. The adult

Teachers think that international students exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages overweigh its disadvantages?

  Teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage school students. Do you think its advantages overweigh its disadvantages? BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. The citation belongs to JLV College and Blogger Chloe Taylor . We have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  A number of tutors believe that the concept of an international student exchange program is promising for every school teenager since this will provide them with immense knowledge available around the globe and enhance their thinking horizons. I think this scenario has plenty of merits compared to demerits.  On the one hand, the main upside of this program is meeting new friends. Not only a student will grab an opportunity to meet different people from all over the world but will have a special bond since several among them will be f

Our personalities are predetermined as a result of our genes before we are born and there is nothing that can be done to change our character traits. To what extent do you agree?

  Our personalities are predetermined as a result of our genes before we are born and there is nothing that can be done to change our character traits. To what extent do you agree? BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered the plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. The citation belongs to Clarivate Analytics and Web of Science. We have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  It is believed that people cannot alter their personalities, owing to the predetermined nature of their genes. I strongly condemn the notion as I assert people can change according to their environment and experience.  To start with, the primary factor is the environmental conditions for the upbringing of a minor. These aspects play a paramount role in everyone's life, and they have no association with genes. The genes are recipes for proteins, and they have nothing to do with character. Personality forms t
  BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. The citation belongs to The Guardian.  The chart reveals the sleeping patterns of individuals living in Canada having five different professions. Overall, among all occupations, students have regular eight hours of sleep; however, doctors have the minimum hours of sleep.  According to the given scenario, students have continuous sleep from 11 pm to 7 am. It means they are the only ones to get regular eight hours of bedtime. The truck drivers get to sleep from 7 am to 10 am during the first phase and 4 pm to 7 pm during the second. The business executive can get six hours of sleep too but have dissimilar patterns compared to the truck driver. They are able to get regular six hours of rest.  Full-time mothers take a rest in three cycles. The first one starts at 10 pm and ends at 1 am. The second cycle initiates at 3 am and c
  The dual vertical bar graph reveals the major causes workers opted to work from home. The table demonstrates the total hours men and women worked at home in 2019. Overall, the maximum number of people worked to save money, and the females worked the highest hours compared to males.  The column graph represents that 45% of men worked from home to save money, and this proportion was three per cent more than the women's ratio. 24% of males said they became more productive by following this trend compared to 11% of females. In the final category, the male ratio was lower than the female. To be more precise, four per cent of males considered this phenomenon beneficial for easier childcare; however, 26% of females voted for this.  The table is divided into three categories. The first is for those who worked under 10 hours a week. In this category, three per cent of males and 74% of females were reported. The second category varies from 10 to 30 hours. In this phase, 16% and 22% of male

In many countries, truancy is a worrying problem for both parents and educators. What are the causes of truancy, and what may be the effects on the child and the wider community?

  In many countries, truancy is a worrying problem for both parents and educators. What are the causes of truancy, and what may be the effects on the child and the wider community? BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered the plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. The citation belongs to The Guardian.  An unexcused chronic absence from school is called truancy. It has become a matter of grave concern. Many factors add pain to the issue, and it impacts children and the community adversely.  To start with, there are plenty of reasons behind this trouble. The primary factor is that truancy occurs when the child shows no interest in education and feels isolated from the school society. In brief, such pupils have their mindset toward modern culture, and they consider school staff and friends as their enemies. Hence, this thinking leads to chronic absenteeism. The secondary cause is that truancy is seen among

Cue Card - Describe a change that could improve your local area.

Describe a change that could improve your local area. You should say: what the change would be? how this change could be made? what problems are causing the need for this change? and explain how this change would improve your local area. BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered the plagiarism policy. It is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. Change is nature's law, and for the smooth functioning of life, change is necessary. We already have a number of changes in our local area and here I would like to talk about what we want to have in the future.  what the change would be? This change would be the conversion of rainwater into potable since the groundwater is declining at jet speed with each passing day.  how this change could be made? This change is easy to accomplish. First of all, we have to follow the rainwater harvesting technique which is capturing rainwater for residential and commercial applications. Harvested r