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Part 1 - Making Friends


1.Do you have a lot of close friends? (or) Tell me about your friends. (or) Do you have many friends?

No, I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are really important to me. I have only two friends in whom I have faith. They are always corroborating and helpful whenever I feel lonely and unhappy.

2.Do you think friendship is important? 

Indeed, friendship is crucial to our life. The connection makes our lives intriguing and interesting. They help us build a sense of sharing, whether they are tangible things or simply words of perspicuity or inspiration.

3.Which do you prefer: to spend time with a friend or spend time alone? (or) How often do you go out with your friends?

It depends. Generally, I am more of a loner and spend more time alone than with friends, especially when working or studying. But when I'm in a foul mood, loneliness isolates me from the rest of the world. On those days, I spend time with my friends to prevent negative and depressing ideas from entering my mind.

4.What kind of individuals do you like as friends?

I am drawn to individuals who are truthful and self confident. Moreover, people support one another regardless of the circumstances and motivate others. I avoid establishing friends with those who have a sense of superiority.

5.Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?

Actually, I am an introvert who dislikes having face-to-face talks with strangers. Therefore, I prefer chatting with virtual friends over real-world acquaintances. However, I am more comfortable speaking face-to-face with my friends since I know them and they understand me.

6.Are most of your friends from school or outside school? 

Since we were children, the majority of my friends have been from school as we have shared interests in every area. People I've met at work or outside of school have fewer things in common with me, and as an introvert, I dislike making new friends as much as I do in my school times.

7.How often do you meet with your friends?

When I was younger, I met my friends nearly every day. Even non-school friends were a part of my regular social engagement. Now that our subject of study has shifted and we have begun to work, I hardly meet anyone throughout the week. I only hang out with my closest buddies on weekends. These reunions are also sporadic.

8.What do you and your friends do together?

To relieve stress, I engage in numerous activities with my friends, including playing sports, cooking, painting, and listening to music, as well as playing video games. Thus, we spend a great deal of time together and enjoy each other's company.

9.How do people meet and make friends in your country?

I do not believe that a person's country is relevant while attempting to establish new friends. In every country, it is possible to create friends just by spending time with them and sharing their interests; hence, friendships are inevitable. Alternatively, you can make online friends using social networks such as Instagram and Facebook.

10.How do adults and children develop friendships?

Children typically form friends without any conscious effort. Usually, common interests and goals serve as the foundation of their friendship. While adults utilise self-disclosure to build trust and loyalty among their friends.

11.Do you think it is possible to become real friends with people you meet on the internet?

Real friendship, in my opinion, has nothing to do with how or where we meet, but rather with how we decide to develop the relationship. I believe it is feasible to create a genuine friendship online. The only necessary characteristics of a friend are honesty, dependability, empathy, respect, and loyalty. If you are receiving all of these benefits from online friends, making genuine online mates should be simple.

12.What do you think makes people have a long friendship?

I believe that communication and understanding play a fundamental part in the development of lifelong friendships. If two people desire a long-term friendship, they must understand one another, exert equal effort, and maintain regular contact to strengthen their ties.

13.Does it make things easier in a friendship if you have similar interests? 

Yes, if people share similar ideas and preferences, they will rapidly synchronise and there will be no place for discord. Consequently, it will be easier for them to continue their friendship.

14. Who is your best friend and why? 


15. How long have you known him and what is special about him? 


Do you like chatting with friends?

Yes, I do since it is the best way to stay updated and in touch with loved ones. Moreover, we can have a good bond with the mates we chat with daily. Sometimes I like to share my photographs belonging to wonderful places or day-to-day routines. 

What do you usually chat about with friends?

I like to discuss a number of topics while chatting with my friends. Firstly, we want to have the plan to meet in the evening to have a healthy time together. Secondly, I like to share hobbies and interests and moreover, we want to discuss current affairs the most.

Do you prefer to chat with a group or with only one friend?

My preference is to chat with my friends only whether in a group or alone since we all know each other and by doing so, we can share our feelings and thoughts. Sometimes we also like to crack jokes at each other while chatting in a group. Recently, we had a conference call to discuss something important about our friend living abroad.

Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

My first preference is to have face-to-face communication since it is the finest way to express ourselves in an apple-pie manner. In this type of communication, I can read expressions, easily convey my messages, and can get solutions in a jiffy. Moreover, I can explain the matter convincingly using bodily gestures as well. 

Do you argue with friends?

Yes, when my viewpoints do not match with my friends then we often have arguments among ourselves. Moreover, when my good friends make a wrong decision I usually have arguments with them to show them the right way.


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