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Part - 3 - All Cue Cards

Part 3 belongs to all new cue cards from September to December 2022. We have written the answers on our own except for one topic. Hence, we hold the copyright status of the answers written by us.

1. Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (For example, a painting, sculpture, piece of jewellery/furniture, etc.).

1. Do you think there are more beautiful things now than in the past?

In my opinion, traditional art and sculptures are much more captivating. I think in the past, it was easier for artists to find shoppers in the form of kings and nobles and they could focus on their art without any financial worries. However, today it is much harder to earn money as an artist. The art being made today also reflects that – it is done more as a hobby rather than as a profession and the works produced are far behind those of the past. Moreover, nowadays artists rely on machine work instead of handmade items. 

2. Do you think there are many scenic spots in India or there are many more in other countries?

Yes, we have a number of such spots since India is a gigantic nation. We have the world's greatest mountains named The Himalayas, the pious river named The Gangas and the biggest delta around the globe named The Sundarbans. Moreover, people can get knowledge about various religions in India by visiting all four directions. 

Further, we have ancient monuments like The Red Fort and The India Gate that foreign tourists like to visit to feel the beauty.

2. English Lesson Cue Card

1. What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?

There are plenty of benefits to learning a foreign language.

1. The primary benefit is that people can face this world easily. One can visit any nation by learning a foreign language. For instance, these days, a number of students head towards advanced nations to get higher education and this is owing to the world's local language English. 

2. Another benefit is that foreign language has given a plethora of job opportunities to people and the world has become a global village owing to foreign languages. For instance, these days one can work in a multinational company by learning a foreign language since it enables a person to interact easily with foreign clients.

2. What are the benefits of being a foreign language teacher?

The main benefit of teaching another language is that the person can improve their knowledge of the language. I think people learn much more about the language when they teach than when they study it. These days, a number of teachers teach English and French and they are getting good opportunities to foster their future. 

Secondly, foreign languages also tend to get paid better and they might also get opportunities to travel abroad. Finally, I feel the language classes have the most diversity in terms of age. I have seen people as old as seventy learning French and German. So, it never gets boring teaching a foreign language as people get to meet different people.

3. Will computers replace foreign language teachers in the future?

I think computers are certainly beneficial in helping students learn a foreign language. However, I do not think computers can replace language teachers completely. Computers can help students improve their grammar and pronunciation but they cannot help students develop or express ideas. Moreover, there are cultural aspects to a language, which can only be taught by a teacher in my opinion.

Moreover, computers can explain everything easily but, teachers can understand the emotions of their students which the computer will be devoid of every time. 

4. Is grammar the most difficult part of learning a foreign language?

No, I don’t think grammar is the most difficult part as there are certain rules of grammar. I think it is logical and so it can be learnt with practice. However, pronunciation can be very tricky as I find there are no fixed rules to it.

Moreover, apart from grammar, I think that it is vocabulary that matters the most since, in the IELTS test, candidates have to use a wide range of vocabulary to get good bands. 

5. Do you think grammar is important in language learning?

Yes, I think grammar is really important in language learning. If the grammar is wrong, the sentence can give out a completely different meaning and it can lead to misunderstandings and embarrassment. Moreover, without using perfect grammar, one will be unable to form proper sentences owing to which the bands will be deducted. 

Therefore, a few grammar classes are necessary while learning any language so that one can grab knowledge about tenses. 

3. Difficult thing you did and succeeded.

1. What kinds of jobs require people to be confident?

Almost every job must be full of confidence otherwise several troubles will be faced by a candidate. Confidence brings enthusiasm and passion in a person to perform their tasks easily owing to which one can attain promotion and a good salary in a company. In brief, doctors and teachers must be confident since they are demigods as well as nation builders. 

2. On what occasions should children be encouraged? How?

I think children should be encouraged in those situations where they feel hesitant to do something good for themselves. But also, the encouragement should be done to a certain limit, they should not feel like something is being forced upon them. For example, we can encourage children to learn something creative such as painting if they show interest in it. And to encourage them more, parents can take them to a museum so they can develop their interests further. 

Moving further, stage fear has become a matter of grave concern and hence, they must be encouraged to face the public to achieve their desired goals. 

3. How do you help children stay focused?

Numerous ways are beneficial to help children stay focused.


There are many ways in which children can be helped. First of all, one can provide them with an environment which is free of distractions, when they are studying, they should not be allowed to use cell phones. Another way to help them focus would be to teach them about meditation in which they have to focus on their breath or a single sound.

4. What challenges do young people face today?

Well, I think there are two main challenges that young people face these days. The first one is related to the mind and mental health, nowadays everyone is aware of the rise in depression and suicide cases among the youth. Another challenge faced by them is the ever-increasing competition in education or their professional lives.

4. Cue Card - Used cell phone to do something interesting.

1. What do you usually do with a cellphone?

I prefer to use my cell phone to make and receive calls as well as messages because it is so convenient to be in touch with loved ones using cell phones. Moreover, I use it to search for information using packet data. Further, I also use it to attend online classes and sometimes, to use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

2. What are the differences between young people and old people when using a cell phone?

Old people prefer using cell phones to be in touch with their loved ones, especially those living in far-flung places. Moreover, they love to listen to hymns and religious programs using cell phones. On the contrary, young people believe that cell phones are necessary for them now. They use various applications to stay fit as a fiddle and moreover, prefer to use cell phones to make video calls to attend any meeting. Youngsters also like to watch movies using cell phones on over-the-top platforms. Youngsters also use cell phones to have access to electronic maps to access alien places. 

3. Which one is more important, using a cellphone to make phone calls or to read messages?

Both have their own features. In brief, one can make a call to a person directly in case of an emergency; however, messages play an imperative role when a person is busy. For instance, when a person is attending a class or at the hospital to take care of any relative, then we can message just to provide any information; otherwise, in a hurry, we can call directly. 

4. Do you think there should be a law to stop people from making phone calls in public?

No, there should not be any law about this since one can stay updated and fully informed using cell phones. For instance, in a public place like a hospital or library, one can make or receive a call to provide information about an exact scenario. However, the voice pitch should be as low as possible. If a person is not abiding by these laws then they must be stopped using cell phones in public. 

5. An important thing not learned at school or college

1. What do children learn from their parents?

Parents are children’s first teachers. Their wards often learn a number of useful aspects from them. Firstly, the children learn how to have conversations with elders and what is the correct way to respect elders. Moreover, what activities are acceptable and what is unacceptable in society. Secondly, parents instil morals in their offspring so that they can survive in this world. 

2. Are some children well-behaved because of their parents?

Yes, I think parents are responsible for their children’s behaviour to a large extent. For instance, as I mentioned parents are first teachers and therefore, a number of children respect their elders and know how to talk properly. They know what to speak according to the place and how to tackle some difficult moments.

3. Is it necessary for adults to learn new things?

Yes, it is of utmost importance since life is a learning process. When adults learn novel things then they will grab new ideas that will be beneficial for them in the future perspectives. For instance, these days almost every adult like to have knowledge about computers since they know we are living in this technological era and without technology, they may go haywire. They will be unable to get new jobs and opportunities. 

Hence, it must be mandatory for them to understand new concepts of life; otherwise, they will run out of work. 

4. What are the options for learning new things?

A number of steps can be followed to learn new things.

1. Formal things can be learned at schools or colleges under the guidance of respected teachers. They can inculcate information about the study and various other extracurricular activities. For instance, we can learn new things about Geography, History and Computer languages by using book reading techniques or practicals under their supervision 

2. Informal things here mean say those that cannot be found in school books and this information can be learned from parents, grandparents and friends. For instance, proper timings to eat something, how to interact with strangers and what to and when to have extended conversations, we can learn from the mentioned members. 

6. A friend having an interesting conversation.

Q. Is friendship important in your culture? How many close friends can you have?  

Friendship is really important and I think that it should be of paramount importance in all cultures worldwide. Our friends are like our siblings and they are the people we have chosen to have in our lives. Moreover, a friend is a person you can call whenever you are sad, happy, angry and excited. We should take into account that many people in different countries consider their pals to be more valuable than their family. 

As far as I’m concerned, I believe that someone can have two or three close friends with whom we can share deep-rooted secrets without any worry.

Q. Are friends more important than family?

That’s a really difficult question to answer. It is widely accepted that parents are the people with whom we are connected by blood and they are also our closest relatives. Friends, on the other hand, are just some people we come across during our lifespan and it’s our choice whether we will keep them in our life or not. But, as I mentioned earlier, some consider that friendship is more important than family and the reasons for this may differ. From my point of view, I would argue that parents and friends should be equally important in someone’s life because a fulfilling and complete life consists of both family and sidekicks. 

I believe life without parents is like a tree in the desert and life without a friend is death without a witness.

Q. What are the important things among good friends?

First and foremost, people should take into account that friendship is a sacred notion in someone’s life and a two-way street as well. Friends should invest in real feelings and some virtues are crucial. For example, true friends must be honest with each other, compassionate, there when needed, affectionate, tender and supportive to mention but a few. Every friendship has its ups and downs but when emotions are real any hindrance can be eliminated. 

To conclude, a wise and useful phrase that comes to my mind is “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

Q. Do you have any friends from a foreign country?

Unfortunately, I don’t, but I hope to make new acquaintances and meet people from overseas. This way, I am convinced I’ll become more broad-minded and tolerant.

Q. What are the differences between real-life friends and pen friends?

The difference is significant because in the first case, there are stronger bonds. For pen friends, the existing ties are loose. The former, are the people whom we see in the flesh and blood, share our sad and happy moments, spend time with, have frequent contact and share some intrinsic moments. The latter, are people who correspond with each other and it could be considered a kind of distant relationship. Furthermore, a real friend can be with you whenever you need him/her, while for a penfriend, this is not feasible.

7. A person plants trees

Please follow the environmentalist cue card's part 3.

Two new questions are added here too.

1. What kind of plants do people like to grow in their homes?

People like to plant several indoor plants owing to their benefits and air purification qualities. First, the Jade plant is trendy among people since it is extremely durable and associated with money. It needs little water and remains green year all long. 

Apart from this, the snake plant is also famous owing to the fact it is a natural purifier. One more plant that is the most instagrammable is named a string of pearls that adds more lush greenery to the room as it grows. 

2. Do people in India like to gift plants?

Yes, the concept is gaining popularity with each passing day since people are becoming conscious about saving this ecosystem. In brief, by presenting a plant as a gift, we can make others aware of the importance of trees and can make this place a better place to live. 

Moreover, recently I participated in a competition where I attained first place and the authorities there presented a plant as a gift to me.

8. TV Program Cue Card

1. What do Indian people like to watch?

India is a diverse country, and it is very hard to generalise what people like to watch. People like to watch the news, soaps, dramas, comedy shows, reality shows, and sports. It really depends upon the person. I personally like to watch the news, sports shows, and competitions.

2. Do you like watching foreign countries’ TV shows?

Yes, I watch a lot of foreign countries’ TV shows especially Hollywood as I find they are much more entertaining. I feel their budgets are better and so the visuals and special effects are really good. Moreover, I think there is a lot of diversity available in Hollywood TV shows.

3. Do you think watching TV shows can be educational for children?

It really depends upon the type of TV show. Some TV channels like Discovery and National Geographic have shows that can be really educational for children. Other shows like dramas and soaps are mainly a sort of entertainment but they can also educate children in some ways. For example, watching them can improve children’s linguistic skills and they can learn about other countries' cultures and traditions.

10. Describe a joke that made you laugh

1. Do you usually make your friends laugh?

Yes, laughter is the best medicine that I know and to create a cool environment among my friends I try to make them laugh. 

2. Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh?


2. Do you like to make people laugh?

Yes, I think I have a good sense of humour so whenever I find anybody from a known relationship in a stressful situation I always try to make them laugh.

3. When was the last time you laughed?

Yesterday night I laughed a lot as I was watching a comedy serial named Mr Bean along with my family members.

4. In what situations do people laugh?

There are several instances when people laugh. For instance, kids love to laugh while playing games and young people laugh when they are with their good friends. At last, the grey-haired people always laugh a lot when they remember their lovely memories. 

5. Do you like watching funny TV shows?

Yes, I do since watching a comedy serial always instils happiness and joy in me. Moreover, by watching funny TV serials and movies I can stave away from monotony as these serials act as a stress buster for me. 

6. Do you think it's important for friends to have the same sense of humour?

I think the same sense of humour among friends is pivotal so that the bonding among the friends becomes longer; however, I think that understanding matters the most instead of the same sense of humour as some friends are polite and few are strict.

11. When you lost something?

1. Why do some people lose things?

It is owing to their strict and busy daily routine or sometimes a few people lack in organized behaviour. They behave like a ship without radar that is always at the mercy of wind for its direction. Due to this habit, they do not keep track of their possessions. Moreover, a few people are inclined toward entertainment, and when they are in an enjoyable mood, they pay less heed to their things and lose them.

2. What kinds of things do generally people lose?

People generally lose plenty of items. For instance, I usually forget my wallet due to the fact I face stress. Moreover, several people forget to carry their ID cards with them such as driving licences owing to which they face hefty fines. 

Apart from this, people forget their wearable accessories like caps, scarves etc.

3. What can people do to find things they’ve lost?

The first and foremost thing people must do is recall where they’ve been. If they have lost their keys, it is better to look in places with a higher probability of leaving them. This strategy works like a charm for me, and I am pretty sure it will benefit others.

In my opinion, another strategy is to attach some contact details to our belongings. It helps us when we lose something and the person who finds it calls us by seeing our contact information.

Describe a well-known person.

Q1. What are the qualities of being popular?

A popular person is a people person. That person bears several good qualities like honesty, integrity, courage, self-awareness, and wholeheartedness. These qualities define a popular person. Moreover, a famous person helps the needy and those who don't have a proper platform to get success in life. 

Q2. Do you know any popular star who likes helping other people?

Several celebrities I know like to help underprivileged people; however, here I would like to cite the name of Mahesh Babu, a popular South Indian film star. Recently, he sponsored 30 youngsters who had cardiac operations and interventions with the assistance of specialists from Andhra Hospitals in Vijayawada and the Mahesh Babu Foundation. 

Q3. Do you think children should imitate their idols?

It depends on what type of celebrity is being imitated. If a celebrity does noble works then the children have to follow since they can grab good behaviour. For instance, several children follow Bollywood celebrity Sonu Sood and they have grabbed good moral behaviour since Mr Sood has done a plethora of good works for poor people. On the contrary, If kids have cigarette smokers as their idols then it will impose detrimental impacts on their minds.

Q4. What influence do popular stars have on teenagers?

Teenagers want to be like their favourite celebs. They take them as their idol. They are influenced in both good and bad ways. If their popular star is endorsing any product then teenagers blindly want to buy that product even if they don’t need it. If their popular star is doing something good, such as helping the poor, teenagers also go out and do the same.

Q5. Do you think popular stars have more freedom or less freedom?

Celebrities have less freedom compared to others, I believe, since they are always being followed by paparazzi owing to which they feel suffocated. Moreover, if they go somewhere then their fans try to follow them to get selfies due to which their freedom compromises. 

Dream House

1. Do most Indian people live in an apartment or house?

I think it depends on the region they are living in. In most of the big cities, like the metropolitan cities, people live in apartments, as there is a scarcity of land in such places and to accommodate the ever-increasing population, there are more and more apartment buildings being built. However, in the small cities, towns and the countryside, we can find people mostly living in houses, rather than apartments.

2. Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?

In my country, young people like to live with their parents, unless they have to move to another city or country, for higher education or better career prospects. It’s a part of the Indian culture for children to live with their parents. Several Indian youngsters head towards cosmopolitan cities like New Delhi, Gurgram and Noida to work in Multinational companies and therefore, they live there alone owing to job commitments. 

3. Do Indian people like to rent a place to live?

No, Indian people do not like to rent a place to live. I think it’s the dream of almost every Indian to own his/her own house.

4. Would you live in a foreign country in the future?

Yes, definitely. I would like to live in a foreign country in the future. I plan to pursue my education abroad. I think there are better education facilities and better job opportunities in developed countries. However, I would like to come to my home country again after the completion of higher education.

5. How is modern home design in your country different to that of the past?

The modern home design is very different to that of the past, in my country. The materials being used now in the construction of houses if much advanced, like weatherproof paints, insulated walls, soundproof windows, etc. The design of the modern houses is according to the space available. There is a better utilization of space in modern home designs. Homes in the past used to be more spacious and not equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets and equipment, like washing machines, microwaves, dishwashers & so on.

6. In your country what type of home do most people live in?

India is a vast and diverse country. People live in different types of houses, depending on the region and the climate in that region. For example, in the eastern parts of India, houses made from bamboo are very common. In regions where there is snowfall, sloped houses are common. In plain areas, people design their houses, as per the area and space available.

7. Do people prefer to live in Modern Homes or older-style homes (for example from 50 years ago)?

People prefer to live in modern homes rather than older-style homes because modern homes are better equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets and technology. Also, the material used to build modern homes is better, for instance, weatherproof paints, earthquake-proof design, etc. The modern homes are planned better to utilize the space properly.

8. How are modern homes different to older homes?

Modern homes are quite different from older homes, in terms of the design, material used and structure of the building. Older homes were more spacious, with proper ventilation. Modern homes are designed to properly utilize the space, due to the shortage of land these days. These days, people employ interior designers and architects to plan and decorate their homes. Older homes may not be equipped to handle the latest electronic gadgets and appliances.

Adventurous Person

1. What kind of personality should a person have to be able to take risks?

I think a person should have the ability to accept failures and move on. Risks mean, there will be failures, so people shouldn’t be afraid of failures. In fact, failing should be a motivation to try again. In short, adventures are for people, who can look at fear in the face and overcome it.

2. Do adventures expand your horizons?

Yes, I definitely think so. Adventures teach us to step out of our comfort zone, take risks in life that ultimately make us happier, more confident, and more open to new experiences. Ultimately, adventures empower us by helping us realize our capabilities.

3. What kind of people love adventure? What specific age group?

I think it’s mostly the young who like to go on adventures because adventures can be physically demanding. However, being adventurous is also about being mentally strong. I think through mental willpower, people can overcome any physical challenges.

4. Which one is more interesting, adventure stories in the books or adventure films? 

I think visualising the challenge or adventure makes it much more exciting. So, I would pick adventure films. I wouldn’t say books are bad, but I feel it's nearly impossible to relay the difficulty of the adventure through words. Of course, there are some exceptional authors like George R.R Martin and J.K Rowling who have done it, with their command over the language.

Beautiful Place in Your Country

1. How can people access travel information?

People can access travel information through various means, such as travel websites, mobile apps, guidebooks, travel agencies, and social media platforms. They can also seek advice from friends and family who have travelled to the same destination.

2. Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?

Yes, people can have different personalities in different regions of my country. Factors like culture, traditions, and local influences can contribute to these variations.

3. What causes the differences between different regions of your country?

Differences between regions can be caused by historical factors, geographical location, climate, cultural practices, and economic development. These factors shape the way of life in each region, which can influence people’s personalities

4. Is it just youngsters who like to try new things, or do people of your parent’s age also like to try new things?

It’s not just youngsters who like to try new things; people of all age groups can be open to trying new experiences. The willingness to try new things can vary from person to person, regardless of their age.

5. Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?

A great tourist destination may or may not be a good place to live. While tourists are drawn to unique attractions, living in a place often requires different considerations, such as job opportunities, healthcare, education, and overall quality of life. Sometimes tourists face problems like traffic jams and littering, which can make them bad options to live in.

6. Why do people who go to live in small towns think these towns are more interesting than the big cities?

People who choose to live in small towns may find them more interesting than big cities due to a quieter and less hectic lifestyle, a sense of community, lower cost of living, and a closer connection to nature. These factors can make small towns appealing to some individuals.

7. Do you think cities worth visiting are also suitable to live in?

It depends. For some people, such places are sources of income. For others, these places are overcrowded and expensive to live in.

10. What is the difference between the people living in the city and people living in the countryside?

People are the same everywhere, but the life in countryside is slower, so people have more time for each other. They have fewer needs and so life in villages is not that expensive. So, people care for each other. On the other hand, life in cities is faster, so people are living isolated lives. They are running after material wealth and in doing so have become workaholics. They have no time for each other.

11. What is the difference between big cities and small cities?

Big cities are overpopulated and so have their own set of problems. There is a lot of traffic congestion. During peak hours, it may even take hours to cover a few km by car. The traffic moves at a snail's pace. Small cities are better in this respect. Moreover, the cost of living is higher in big cities. Small cities are relatively easier on the pocket. Big cities have their set of advantages also. Job opportunities are more and the jobs are also better paid. Small cities have fewer job openings and pay packages are also not that handsome. Crime is also more common in big cities just because of the anonymity it offers.

12. What is the difference between the north and south parts of your country?

There is a lot of difference. The weather is different, so the life is different. People have different cuisines and the clothing styles are also different. Moreover, the northern parts have different festivals and ways of celebration compared to their southern counterparts. In the northern areas, we have more rivers; however, the southern regions have oceans and seas.

Despite all these differences, people embrace each other’s culture and tradition and live as one.



  1. One another plant named English Evy

  2. Brilliant answers
    How one can be too perfect ?

  3. attπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

  4. Bawa gangster 🀣

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