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Showing posts from July, 2024

Task 1 - July 3

  A multiple vertical bar graph depicts the international student admissions at three universities. Overall, India recorded the highest enrolments among all given nations.  According to the given data, India sent 6000 students to Smithtwon University followed by 4000 from Nepal, 2000 from Vietnam, 1000 from Indonesia, and only 500 from Columbia. It means India permitted the maximum count of students to study at Smithtown University; nonetheless, Columbia faced the lowest count.  In the same way, India recorded the highest count of 7500 students to the University of Riverview. Again, India was followed by Nepal with 5000 students, Vietnam registered 3500 pupils, Indonesia bearing 1500 learners, and Columbia with 1300 students. Thus, again India touched the top position; nevertheless, Columbia stood last.   Likewise, India documented the lowest count to Earlwood University by sending 5000 students; however, India topped again. Nepal reported 4000 students to this university. Vietnam decl

In more and more countries, people choose to give money on special occasions rather than giving gifts chosen personally. Why might this be the case? Is it a positive or a negative development?

In more and more countries, people choose to give money on special occasions rather than giving gifts chosen personally. Why might this be the case? Is it a positive or a negative development? The answer is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur considering the plagiarism policy. We have written the task using our own language. Total Words in the Task - 317. Several people love to greet each other by exchanging money on special occasions rather than gifts. Time management is the biggest reason behind this. And it is largely a positive development. With the advent of the revolutionised era, people are fully occupied, these days. They face a heavy workload, working around the clock, and witnessing stringent rules and regulations. Therefore, such people run out of time to buy gifts for their loved ones. Moreover, they need time to relax at home with their family members and dislike going outside to purchase traditional gift items. Hence, individuals prefer giving money as an alternative to gifts

Students should live away from home while studying at university rather than live with their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Students should live away from home while studying at university rather than live with their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Education is the most powerful weapon around the globe, and it is said that learners must stay away from home to get a better education at the university instead of living with their parents. I agree since it is the best way to get quality learning. The foremost benefit of this notion is that it benefits students to meet new people. Undeniably, we still meet people on our course if we live at home , it has to be said that when we live away from home comforts, it is easier to meet new people. For a start, there is a whole group of fresh faces that will be living with us throughout our educational journey. Therefore, students can better understand others.\ Another miracle is students can learn new skills that they cannot learn in a home environment . It means students can learn new ideas to survive better. The universities guide student

Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and motorcycles are banned from the city centre. People are encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, taxis and metro on vehicle-free days. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and motorcycles are banned from the city centre. People are encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, taxis and metro on vehicle-free days. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? A few cities implement vehicle-free days when they ban the entry of cars, trucks and motorcycles in the city centre. Such cities encourage commuters to opt for buses, taxis and metro on vehicle-free days. I believe the merits of this culture outweigh the demerits. On the one hand, a vehicle-free culture on special days may impose detrimental consequences since it may lead to the disruption of an individual's daily routine. To be more precise, this scheme may hinder the flexibility of travellers since people have to follow the authorities' time plan. It means people may lose their freedom in movement from one place to another because the government will run trains or buses according to a proper schedule. Thus, it may i