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Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is a contentious issue whether competition is vital or cooperation holds more water in school and daily life since collaboration is more powerful than competition. This essay will address both schools of thought with a suitable judgment.

On the one hand, competition in learning is essential as it encourages learners to strive for excellence. The competitive environment motivates learners to push themselves further, setting higher goals and standards. This, in turn, leads to increased productivity, improved performance, and better exam results.

Moreover, competition also helps learners to develop essential skills that are critical to success in today's world. These skills include problem-solving, critical thinking, time management, and teamwork, all of which are essential in both academic and professional environments. This creates a competitive environment where learners can compete against their peers, friends, or even strangers, providing an extra incentive to put in the necessary effort.

On the other hand, the advantages of a corporation include limited liability for its shareholders, where students share their troubles and get answers. When individuals work together in teams, whether it be at school, work, or in the home, they are more likely to experience high levels of motivation, and more crucially, enjoyment. Additionally, the interactive and interdependent components of cooperative learning offer emotional and interpersonal experiences that boost emotional awareness, judgment, critical analysis, flexible perspective-taking, and goal-directed behaviour.

To conclude, although competition can promote innovative and novel ideas, the cooperative provides feelings of respect and enjoyment. Therefore, both aspects are beneficial depending on the situation. 


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