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Recently published figures show that the wildlife population around the world has decreased by around fifty per cent over the last fifty years. What can we do to help protect the wildlife round the world? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Undeniably, contemporary days witness an alarming decline in wildlife populations around the globe. Moreover, this population has plummeted by nearly half in the past five decades. I think that we can curb this menace by the implementation of stringent laws for animals’ safety. 

To begin with, plenty of aspects aggravate this issue. The government can combat such perspectives by imposing strict measures. Firstly, the chair must restrict urbanisation with immediate effect since it is devastating animals’ natural habitat at a monumental scale. To be more precise, in the name of development, green jungles are being converted to concrete ones, owing to which wildlife has been targeted to a significant extent. Therefore, the count of animals has plunged, and we must stop this development. 

Secondly, humans use wild animals for the manufacturing of a plethora of products. In brief, there is an abundance of people who love to use animal products such as leather bags and brushes. Every year, the majority of wild animals are being given death sentences to get their leather. As a result, the authorities should ban this concept completely so that animals can move freely. Furthermore, the government must throw hunters and poachers behind bars to stop killing innocent souls. 

Additionally, we must recycle paper as well since for the production of paper, trees are being cut down due to the fact a few wild animals are on the brink of extinction. Moreover, rivers flowing through forests have been polluted with chemicals and plastic owing to which wild animals are surrendering their breathings. Hence, we can save wildlife by announcing a complete ban on such activities.

To conclude, unarguably, a large number of animal species are becoming extinct, and some are on the verge of extinction with each passing day. Therefore, the administration can handle this grave concern by following the mentioned factors.


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