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Describe an activity that made you feel tired.


Describe an activity that made you feel tired.

You should say:

When and where it took place?

Why did you take part in it?

What the activity was?

And explain why it made you feel tired.

Activities play an imperative role in everyone's life since they provide us various benefits. Here, I would like to talk about an activity that made me feel tired.

When and where it took place?

This activity took place on June 21 at Rishikesh near the bank of the holy river the Ganges. I participated in this activity during my summer vacations when I visited this spiritual place.

Why did you take part in it?

It has been a long time since to participated in the Yoga International Festival since this is the best way to meet people around the globe and share innovative ideas as well. Moreover, I love doing Yoga activities to attain rejuvenation. 

What the activity was?

It was an international Yoga festival where I did a number of Yoga postures. 

And explain why it made you feel tired.

Though I enjoyed the event; however, I felt tired at the end of the day for a few reasons:

  1. It was June 21, and because of the scorching hot weather day, I was sweating at the time due to the fact I felt exhausted. Moreover, I was putting up at a shrine nearly five miles away from the place of the Yoga festival, and therefore, I felt weary due to walking ten miles.
  2. Additionally, I was not used to the stretches, and therefore, when I did several activities, I felt lethargic. And, I had to sit there for five hours due to which I was unable to move around. 
  3. Besides, because the poses and breathwork in yoga released tons of built-up tension in my body, as well as negative emotions, I felt a bit drained. However, if we continue with your practice regularly, this shouldn’t always be the case.

1. Does studying and learning make people tired today? 

It is saddening to say that studying and learning are tiring for most people in the contemporary epoch. It is because people have this uncanny knack for running after instant gratification and do not realize that it is imperative to indulge in studying and learning for a fruitful career.

2. When do people usually feel tired? 

People usually feel tired when they have to do physical or mental work for long hours, and no doubt they push their limits, but eventually, they feel exhausted. Apart from this, harsh weather conditions like excessive heat and humidity drain people’s energy, making them feel like they are struggling to regain it.


 3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports? 

There is a huge difference between striving for learning and striving for sports. The reward is not immediate in learning, and we must experience delayed gratification. Sometimes, it takes years for the results to be visible because only education is unimportant. Its application is also necessary.

On the contrary, certain rewards are immediate in sports, like scoring a goal; moreover, there is a high emphasis on physical power over brain power.

4. Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past? 


The number of holidays we have is more than it used to be because every year there is a new addition of holidays. Moreover, most organizations are opting for a day’s working setup instead of six days in the past.

5. What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and exercising? 

As far as feeling tired after studying, it is more mental and less physical. In such a scenario, a walk, listening to music, and talking to a friend do the needful.

On the contrary, feeling tired after exercising is a different scenario; in it, people feel physical pain and need rest to come out of it.


 6. How can people solve the problem that older adults easily get tired? Firstly, older adults must indulge in more mental tasks than physical jobs. Apart from this, they must work for fixed hours and take short breaks. Furthermore, they must use technology to their advantage and automate most tasks. By following these practices, they do not easily get tired


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