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May 30 - Practice Task 2


Some believe that new science related to criminal forensics should be used to look at old cases.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

This essay is submitted by our student Dharuv Sethi. It covers almost all areas asked. 

Owing to the revolutionized era, science has progressed at an exceptional rate. With the advancements of science and technology in the field of criminal forensics, a section of society asserts that this technology will be helpful to re-examine old cases. I extend my support towards the given notion since this practice would be beneficial in a number of ways. 

On the one hand, a plethora of aspects promote my idea. The primary is the usage of high-tech devices in solving unsolved past offences. In brief, these gadgets aid the investigators to probe the hidden side of crime, such as the usage of fingerprint analysis, microphones, and DNA identifiers. The cops can use such devices to reconsider the old reports. For instance, with the assistance of a fingerprint identifier, the authorities can opt for a biometric scan of the accused site to match the impressions to that of a doubtful person. These gadgets have been proven remarkably accurate and reliable in some cases that have been recently re-explored.

Another factor is in some cases, the wrong person has been charged with a criminal infraction, which a person has not even committed and this is followed by a delay in justice for the innocents and their families; however, the actual one is roaming freely in the outer world instead of being behind the bars. These technological advancements will help to serve legal justice to the demanding person and bring peace and harmony to society.

Yet another rationale is forensic science reduces crime rates as well since earlier, due to a lack of modern technologies, plenty of illegal activities such as the unwanted trade of drugs and arms were carried out without any restriction; nevertheless, with the advent of forensic science, many real-time pieces of evidence can be gathered which can help to carry out investigation more efficiently. 

On the other hand, criminal forensics has a few demerits as well because the evidence is prone to manipulation which may end up in an unrighteous verdict. It happens especially in old cases. For instance, a hair sample at the crime scene that resembles a suspect's hair gets dressed up in this scientific certainty that is not justified and it results in wrongful convictions. 

To conclude, after this discussion, this particular branch of science plays a significant role in the field of crime on multiple occasions and serves justice to the guilt-free.


  1. Mnje da Bhaar sehan da zor pawe vich aa.
    Bacheya di ielts clear karvon da zor bawe vich aa


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