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May 23 - Class Task 2


Some people think that money must be spent on promoting the use of bicycles in cities while others think cities must spend on public transport discuss both views and give your opinion

Commuting within a city has inclined these days since people have been engaged in plenty of activities. Therefore, one section of society considers the promotion of the bicycle; however, another unit goes for other modes. This essay thus will discuss both schools of thought with a suitable judgement. 

On the one hand, cycling provides countless economic benefits to the riders. To be more precise, the cost of buying and maintaining a bike is around 1% of the cost of purchasing and maintaining a car. It means one can save a significant sum by using a bicycle regularly within a city. Moreover, these bikes do less damage to road surfaces than other modes. These modes give people freeways so that they can move with ease. Another aspect is that various car trips to school are within walking distance. Hence, riding a bike reduces congestion around schools to a great extent and improves safety for children as well.

On the other hand, other modes hold more importance than bicycles according to the number of individuals. They believe using a bicycle they may be late for their work or study. For instance, bicycles are a favoured mode to travel for shorter distances since people will find it arduous work to use this mode for longer miles. Further, metro railways and local buses are fully air-conditioned these days which saves people's energy and precious time. 

After this discussion, I am of the opinion that the latter view holds more water owing to a set of benefits. It does not mean bicycling is useless, but life has become a race, and people are now left with limited time to perform their crucial work. Hence, the chair must invest money in other public modes like the metro, local railways, and buses; otherwise, they will be late for work or studies if they use bicycles for more than ten miles. Here, a few people might disagree with me and say that a bicycle is the best mode for people to stay physically sound. Undoubtedly, I agree with them; nevertheless, I assume the students will be late for tuition classes if they have to attend more than one tuition continuously, and others may lose excessive energy to sweating during peak hours, owing to sunlight. 

To conclude, both modes have their importance depending on time and distance. But, I think the government must boost more money in other modes to save people's precious time. 


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