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The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?


Natural resources such as oil, forests and freshwater are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?

The depletion of consumable natural resources at an accelerated speed is a matter of grave concern since it has given birth to plenty of troubles in the world. Nevertheless, we can curb this menace by implementing a few pragmatic restorative steps.

To begin with, the reduction in the green cover has had a detrimental effect on the weather conditions. To be more precise, forests help to maintain the temperature. Rapid deforestation for fulfilling human greed has created a climatic imbalance, and the average temperature has risen by two degree Celsius in the last decade. One of the significant consequences of global warming is that our summers are getting hotter. Moreover, this will give rise to seawater levels, owing to which the coastal areas will submerge under water. 

Likewise, because of the deficit of freshwater resources, people are now forced to buy drinking water. The poor and the weaker sections of society are the worst hit by the water crisis. Consequently, innumerable people are dying due to devoid of potable water in African states, and numerous others are left with only contaminated water for daily use. Depleting oil resources also has had an inimical influence on the automobile industries which rely almost wholly on oil for its operation.

However, a handful of viable solutions do exist, and it is possible to solve the forenamed problems to a greater extent. The primary perspective is that cutting down trees must be forbidden, and industries which use wood for manufacturing their products, such as furniture and houses, should be encouraged to find eco-friendly alternatives. The secondary aspect is that the government and the media must launch campaigns that make people aware of the importance of preserving water. It is vital to put a limit on the amount of water we use for domestic and industrial purposes. In the same way, scientists should discover renewable fuels such as wind power, solar power, and hydel energy for vehicles. For instance, chargeable electric cars are gaining popularity in the US because they are eco-friendly and economical. But, for this purpose, governments must generate electricity using nuclear reactors and solar power instead of fossils. 

In conclusion, although the fast-paced consumption of natural resources has directly influenced the ecosystem, the collaborative efforts of governments, scientists and the public can diminish the consequence.


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