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Describe a website which helped you to do something/a website you visit often/ use regularly.


Describe a website which helped you to do something/a website you visit often/ use regularly.

This cue card is submitted by our student Mr Karan Kumar Nandha. It covers almost every area.

In this technological era, websites play a pivotal role in providing immense knowledge and novel opportunities with each passing day. 

Hence, in this cue card, I will discuss a website that I like to use often.

Which site is it?

The site is none other than BAWA IELTS BLOG Created and managed by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur. This website is currently helping the youth in achieving their dream of studying abroad by making them familiar with the IELTS test.

How did you know about it?

I got to know about it on the first day of my 1-week basic section of IELTS coaching at the same institute when one of the teachers taught me, how to operate the mentioned site to get fruitful outcomes.

How did it help?

On the site, there is all the crucial material related to the different modules of the IELTS exam such as speaking and writing regularly posted by the educator. For the rest of the modules, for instance, reading and listening, I often like to visit his YouTube channel. Moreover, our tutor regularly posts the material for practice on the site. 

Why do you visit it often?

There are a plethora of reasons why I love to visit the particular site.

The primary reason is that this website provides novel data regularly and it is one of the best ways to stay updated while following it. The best thing about the site is, the material posted by the operator is self-made since he respects the plagiarism policy owing to the fact I use it regularly.

The secondary aspect is that being his student, it is mandatory to update me with the blog. Furthermore, it is my utmost responsibility to complete the practice task posted by him daily.

Last but not the least, I mostly use the blog or website to prepare the cue cards written by them using their own language and novel ideas.

Part - 3 - These answers belong to the IELTSREWIND blog. We have followed in part - 3.

1. Who in your family uses the site?
My siblings use this site. Sometimes my father also uses it. ( Give your personal answer)

2. Can the internet help children in their studies?
Yes, definitely. The Internet is an ocean of knowledge. Children can take the help of many educational sites on the net.

3. Will the internet replace the teacher?
I don’t think so. The teacher will always be there. The teacher can keep the student focused on studying. The Internet cannot do so.

4. Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?
Yes, it can cause problems. It can affect the sale of this music and movies also. But it cannot be stopped. People will always find ways of doing so. This has also made many amateur singers and actors famous overnight.

5. What are the reasons why people use the internet?
People use the internet for various purposes like entertainment, gaining information or online shopping or services like banking etc.

6. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes in internet content. What do you think?
Yes, interests change according to age. Children like to watch cartoons on the internet whereas the younger generation uses it mainly for social networking and shopping. The elderly are using it for finding and sharing information.

7. What influence can (or does) the internet have on children?
The Internet has positive as well as negative impacts on children. If internet access is not supervised or appropriate parental controls are not implemented, children can access restricted websites which can have a negative influence on them.

8. What kind of people don’t use the internet and what are the disadvantages that those people suffer because they don’t use the internet?
Some people who are against technology and have orthodox thinking do not use the internet. But most poor people do not have access to the internet.
These people are not aware of things happening around them and how technology has brought convenience to our life. So they are dependent on others all the time for information.


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