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New Speaking - September to December 2022

New Speaking Questions - Part 1 or 3

The answers are purely based on novel ideas and belong to BAWA IELTS Ferozepur. We also observe the copyright status of answers given here. 


Is it easy for you to remember people’s names? 

Yes, I always find it easy to remember the names of people since I have an elephant's memory. Moreover, I can easily memorise the mobile number of people. 

However, I find it difficult when I have to recall the names of those who are from another culture, especially East and South Indian, owing to their uniqueness.  

Do you do anything to help you remember people’s names? 

Not all the time, I think it is necessary to use anything in remembering people’s names. More specifically, if the people are from my province Punjab, then I can remember easily because of similarity; however, if the people are from another culture, then I prefer to write their names on my pocket diary to remember them. 

How do you feel when people can't remember your name? 

I don’t feel bad when people are unable to remember my name since this concept is quite normal as well as common. I can also consider this concept with memory loss or lesser memory towards this particular conception. 

Moreover, I know that sometimes I can also forget the names of other people and that is why I don’t feel bad in my case too. 

Do any names have special meanings in your country? 

Yes, plenty of names in my country India have been chosen bearing special meanings, and many are acutely aware of the meaning of their name. For instance, the majority of the names in my nation are associated with God as well as motivational and historical persons. 

It is owing to the fact parents want their offspring to attain name and fame like great people in history.

What is the meaning of your name? 

The meaning of my name is motivational, educational as well as a hard-working person.


What snacks do you like to eat?

I prefer vegetarian/ non-vegetarian items since I find them mouth-watering.

For vegetarian ones

I like a few snack items, and my favourite snack items are popcorn and cheese fingers. It is owing to their great taste and healthy behaviour. Sometimes, I love to taste the honey chilly potato since they are crispy. 

For Non-Vegetarian

Chicken Pie, Chicken pops and Fish fries. 

  • Did you often eat snacks when you were young?

Yes, I remember that during my childhood, I loved to eat bread toast, grilled sandwiches and pancake pizza. However, my parents did not allow me to eat them regularly because of their high cholesterol levels.

Moreover, my mother tells me that I loved to have potato pie, a small pastry turnover filled with potatoes and homemade fritters during weekends. 

  • Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?

Even though snacking has developed a bad image, snacks can be an essential part of everyone's diet, and for me, healthy snack items hold a special status. 

Snacks provide energy and also decrease hunger due to the fact I can stay away from overeating. 

  • When do you usually eat snacks now?

I prefer eating healthy snacks during the daytime since they are a warehouse of nutrients. I love to eat sandwiches consisting of capsicum, onion, tomato and cucumber along with cottage cheese. 

However, a few snacks like cheese momos, french fries and pizza I like to eat once a week because by eating these snacks regularly, a person can be vulnerable to obesity.


Do you write a lot?

Yes, I love writing. Like my elder brother, I am a logophile. I love to write poems and different articles deeply since I believe that it is one of the most important parts of everyone's life. 

Moreover, as I am appearing for the IELTS test, and hence I have to write a lot to crack the writing module. 

What do you like to write? Why?

I love to write poems and different articles deeply since I believe that it is one of the most important parts of everyone's life. Moreover, writing poems and articles instils freedom and happiness in me. Sometimes, I like to write stories and drama scripts since I also want to become a writer. 

Do you think the things you write would change?

Yes, change should be nature's law, and my writing and writing way will change too. Moreover, this is the best way to foster overall growth, and life is a learning process owing to which we can adopt novel ideas with each passing day. 

Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?

Undeniably, writing with a pen or pencil on paper cannot be competed by typing, but in this digital era, I prefer typing on the computer. It is owing to a few reasons,

  1. The primary is that we can use universal fonts and formatting while typing on the keyboard and share it with higher authorities easily. Moreover, it is professional to share with anybody.
  2. The secondary reason is that using word processing programs, we can also rectify grammatical and spelling errors. 

However, as I have already mentioned that I am appearing for the IELTS test due to which I have to practice using a pencil and paper.


  • Did you do puzzles in your childhood?

Yes, I loved to take part in these activities in my childhood since it was the best way to enhance my mental health. Moreover, my father loves to solve puzzles owing to the fact I also took part in these games in my childhood. 

Moreover, it was an important activity in our school curriculum too. 

  • When do you do puzzles, during a trip or when you feel bored?

I love to take part in such activities to stay away from monotony since it is the best way to rejuvenate. Especially, during weekends, I like to play sudoku since it is full of energy and mushrooms mental power. 

  • Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles? Which is more difficult for you?

My first preference is doing number puzzles as they are great learning tools for fostering cognitive and motor skills. Moreover, by doing number puzzles, I can also incline my strategic thinking levels owing to which my creativity and productivity rise too. 

Word puzzle is difficult for me because mazes are more challenging and more efforts are necessary to solve them. 

  • Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?

Yes, by doing puzzles, the old ones can exercise their area of the brain that stores memories because a person has to remember pieces that have seen before when putting a puzzle together. 

Strengthening and exercising short-term memory is especially important for older adults and hence, doing puzzles are advantageous for them.  


  • Do you or your friends like using social media?

Yes, we love social media since it is the best way to stay updated with our loved ones. We can share our photographs and memorable moments with our friends or relatives, and social media is also full of knowledge if used positively. 

  • Do you think you or your friends use too much social media?

No, we respect reality instead of virtual life. Undeniably, social media is full of charming moments but as we know extent of everything has terrible outcomes. Thus, we use social media 10 to 15 minutes a day. 

  • Do you want to work in social media? Why?

Yes, I would like to work on the social media platform because this field is polishing with each passing day, and it can provide a plethora of job opportunities to people. Moreover, we live in a technological era, and to get more exposure, the study of coding is necessary. 

Therefore, social media is the best way to foster coding knowledge and enhance future perspectives. 

  • What’s the most popular social media in India? Why?

Owing to recent reports by various newspapers, Instagram has emerged as the most preferred social media platform among the youth since it enables users to use various features easily. Youngsters love to upload their photographs on this social media platform and love to collect comments from their friends and followers. 

Moreover, on Instagram, they can upload stories and reels to get more followers. 


  • Do you like geography?

Yes, I do since it helps to explore and understand space and place. It helps recognise the great differences in cultures, political systems, economics, landscapes and the environment around the globe. 

Moreover, it enables one to understand global interdependence and to become a better global citizen. Furthermore, I love to grab knowledge about oceans and mountains owing to which I love to study Geography.

  • Have you ever studied geography at school?

Yes, it was an important subject in the school curriculum. In this subject, we studied the location and concept of various mountain ranges like The Andeys, The Rocky and The Himalayas, the origin and end of important rivers like The Gangas, The Brahmaputra and The Nile, the concept of latitude and longitude, and different types of forests such as The Amazon and The Sundarbans. 

  • Are you good at reading a map?

Yes, I can read maps using my skills. However, I find e-maps more interesting compared to paper maps since their navigation is easier. 

  • Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?

Yes, if I ever would get a chance to visit any nation owing to its geographical location, it would be the land of the midnight Sun named Norway. This nation has stunning cities, really happy locals and spectacular geographical landscapes. 

Moreover, this nation is known for its midnight sun concept and the most mountain ranges in Europe. 


  • Do you like singing? Why?

Yes, I do since it has the power to alter my mood and conjure up memories and feelings. Singing also provides an emotional release, a way to express our thoughts and feelings and acts as a stress buster. 

Moreover, my friends usually compliment me that I am a very good singer. 

  • Have you ever learnt how to sing?

Yes, I have taken singing classes from my elder brother who runs his institute. Further, I have established balance in my voice too and learned how to sing melodies. 

Moreover, I know how to play the Violin too. 

  • Who do you want to sing for?

I want to sing for my nation since it helps evoke feelings of patriotism among the country's citizens.

  • Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?

Yes, it brings happiness to people by shaking the endorphin hormone. Singing also releases the brain's feel-good chemical that boosts the sense of euphoria and enhanced immune response, and it is natural pain relief. 

Moreover, singing is a natural antidepressant that pleasures individuals.  


Do you have a lot of pieces of furniture in your home? 

Yes, I have several furniture pieces in my home such as two king-size beds along with a six-seater dining table. Moreover, some wooden chairs along with a rocking chair. 

-Has anyone bought a piece of furniture for you? 

Yes, recently my maternal uncle gifted me a pair of chairs that are made up of Indonesian teak wood and crafted beautifully. Moreover, he also gifted me a round foldable table along with these chairs. 

-What kind of furniture would you like to buy? 

I would like to buy a foldable couch that I will place in my lounge area because it is spacious. Moreover, in that lounge area, I love to watch television with my parents every evening along with healthy discussions and a cup of tea. Therefore, that is the best place to have this couch.

-What is your favourite piece of furniture?


The dining table is my favourite one because I love to have the last meal of the day by sitting on the chairs along with my family members. During this meal, we all like to share good moments that act as stress busters.


1 What do you usually do on your birthday?

I love to celebrate my birthday with my close friends and family members since they play an imperative role in my life. I prefer to spend quality time with them having snacks and cake cutting ceremony with them in the evening. Apart from this, I love to pay my obeisance at the nearest shrine in the early morning to attain tranquillity and spirituality. 

2 What did you do on your birthday when you were young?

At that time, I love to throw a party for my friends in a restaurant since there we were able to play several games and taste various cuisines. Those moments still play an imperative role in my life since I spent priceless moments during my birthdays at a very young age period. 

3 Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?

Yes, I am of the opinion that celebrating birthdays plays an imperative role in everyone's life. A birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself. It is an expression of thanks to God for being born and still being alive. It is also an occasion to rethink your life. It is a great time to reflect on your past, evaluate your present, and make plans for your future.

Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in your country?

The birthday of Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar is one of the most important birthdays in India. It is observed on April 14 and is known as equality day in India. He is also known as the father of the Indian Constitution.


  1. Do you like cooking?

Yes, I love it since it is my favourite leisure time activity. I love to cook to satisfy myself and prefer to cook new dishes for my family. 

  1. How often do you cook?

As I’m a busy bee person, I usually prepare meals on Sunday afternoons or sometimes Saturday evenings. For instance, I love to cook honey chilly potato, cheese fingers and fritters for my family. 

  1. What dish are you best at cooking?

I love cooking a variety of dishes; however, my favourite one is apple pie. Apple pies usually get screwed up when we make them, but they still taste excellent. It is extremely mouth-watering, and my family likes it too much. Sometimes, I prefer to cook brown rice having plenty of vegetables, and my father likes it very much. 

  1. What cooking experience have you had?

Not too much, and it’s been self-created. As I got older, I started to look up more recipes online on YouTube and then tried them out on my own. It’s been trial and error till now; however, I am good at cooking numerous dishes too. 


  1. Home listening test- 35-40
    My Name is Khushi


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