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Many people try to look younger than their age. What are the reasons people do this. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?

 Many people try to look younger than their age. What are the reasons people do this? Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?

This data belongs to Bawa IELTS Ferozepur.

It is true that in today's time, an increasing number of people are trying to delay their ageing. There are reasons why this is happening and from my own perspective, I think that this trend gives a negative impact on people. Females witnessed an increase throughout the period.

One of the primary reasons for people to attempt to become younger is marketing. It creates a beauty standard that people must follow. For instance, in order to become adorable and popular, one must be beautiful and skinny. Another reason is that it becomes a job requirement. The majority of the company now requires a face value. This means that one must have a pleasing personality to get qualified for a job application. Hence, people tend to be interested in getting younger for them to have self-confidence.

However, this tendency can bring drawbacks to the people. Firstly, attempting to become younger can make one's health at risk. The utilization of unnatural processes in making the skin youthful can be life-threatening. For example, undergoing plastic surgery has been a cause of some health complications among men and women in Asia. Furthermore, this can be a waste of money. While people are not contented with the anti-ageing product they currently used, they opt to purchase other new products, which are mostly expensive, thereby wasting their money for nothing. Thus, spending time and effort to appear young is indeed bad for people.

In conclusion, people who put effort to delay ageing are due to advertisement and for career qualifications. Nonetheless, I consider this dangerous to people as it can lead to health problems and the dissipation of money.


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