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Describe a crime you were involved in.

Describe a crime you were involved in.

You should say:

When it was?

What crime it was? 

Why did you get involved?

How did you feel?

The data belongs to BAWA IELTS Ferozepur. 

Criminal activities make a person indisciplined and unorganized. I always refrain myself away from these activities; however, once upon a time, I was involved.

When it was?

I did this crime when I was in high school and when I came to my home from school, I was involved in this crime. 

What crime it was? 

I did this crime when I used the perfume of my cousin's brother named Burberry London, and I found it amazing. Hence, I can say it was a crime that involved the stealing of perfume that belonged to my brother.

Why did you get involved?

I remember when I came back to my home and we had to get ready for a family function. Therefore, after taking bath, I was getting ready for the party. But, when I used the perfume of my cousin, I got allured toward it and hence, I stole it and placed it in my cupboard. Therefore, I would like to say it was its fragrance that pushed me into this criminal activity of stealing perfume that was not mine.

How did you feel?

During the first week, I was happy since I had it with me, and I considered myself the owner of that scent. But, after some more days, my 2 am friend XYZ told me that it is a criminal activity and we should not be involved in it. Moreover, the cologne was expensive and my brother also loves me too much and then, how I can steal it. Therefore, I felt guilty. 

After this, straightaway, I rushed toward my cousin's home and narrated the whole scenario. After listening to my conversation, my brother told me that he already knew it since he checked the video camera footage. At that moment, I was filled with immense remorse. I felt apologetic and he asked me not to engage in such activities in the future. 

Part - 3 - Citation - The Internet

Question 1:- Why do people commit crimes?

Answer- Some people commit crimes because they are just wicked and lack guilty conscience, while some do have some rational reasons like poverty and ignorance for committing the crime. For example, A woman went to steal rice in the market, and when she was caught, she said she did because her children did not have anything to eat. While some people pity her condition, others say she should have begged for it instead of stealing. Therefore, people either commit crimes because they are heartless, they are poor or have other reasons that make them see committing a crime as the only option.

Question 2:- What kind of punishment did people get, if they commit a crime?

Answer- Punishment depends on the severity of the crime committed. It ranges from imprisonment or death sentence to just paying a compensation fee. For example, A person that commits murder will be punished by either hanging or shooting to death. Juvenile delinquency like bullying could attract corporal punishment.

Question 3:- What is the contribution of society in making a person a culprit?

Answer- Society is really contributing positively to picking out offenders in the community. Some even take it serious to the extent of doing jungle justice not until the law was passed by the government to stop the act because innocent people are sometimes affected.

Question 4:- Have you ever witnessed any crime in your life?

Answer- I have witnessed so many crime scenes in this life. The one I can never forget is the robbery case that happened in my apartment. Some time ago, four robbers came to burgle my apartment at night, and they collected our phones and money. It was an unforgettable experience because my first-ever phone was stolen, and I didn’t get a chance to have another until about three years after the incident.


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