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Showing posts from August, 2023

Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on public transport systems. To what extent do you agree?

It is highly debated that money should be spent on developing roads and motorways rather than on public transport systems. I partially agree with the notion since it is vital to invest in both.  On the one hand, superior road quality fosters safety levels and eliminates traffic congestion as well. These days, governments are investing a considerable amount of money in road safety since various fatal accidents are being reported daily. Moreover, in many Indian major cities like New Delhi, Chandigarh, and Mumbai, the roads are wider these days to solve traffic issues. Undeniably, this concept will enhance facilities for the general public, and they will commute with more freedom. Therefore, the chair must invest money in roads and motorways.  On the other hand, better public transport mediums are useful for the environment and people who cannot afford personal vehicles. A few modes of public transport like metro railways, water taxis and general buses emit less carbon atoms in the atmosp

Task 1 - August 30

  The graph reveals data about people leaving Ireland and the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is given in percentages and the count of people in thousands. Overall, both entities declined with time.  According to the given data, around 17% of people were unemployed in 1988, followed by 13% in 1990. It was 15% in 1992 and then kept on plunging till 2000 when it reached 5% only. From 2000 to 2004, the ratio was similar, and in 2008, it registered 6%.  Moving further, around 60,000 people left Ireland in the starting year; however, this tally was near 55,000 after two years. The numbers were close to 35,000, 36,000, and 30,000 in 1992, 1994, and 1996, respectively. The count kept on plummeting in both 1998 and 2000. From 2002 to 2008, people again started migrating from Ireland, and in 2006, the count reached 37,000 approximately. The highest total was 50,000 in the final year.

PTE - Mostly Asked Dictation Words

  1. Interconnection 2. Archaeologist 3. Recommendations 4. Undergraduates 5. Communications 6. Reconciliation 7. Implementation 8. Transformation 9. Identification  10. Transportation 11. Abandon 12. Abbreviation 13. Abundant 14. Accelerate 15. Accommodate 16. Accurate 17. Accustomed 18. Achievement 19. Acquire 20. Adequate 21. Admire 22. Adolescent 23. Advocate 24. Affectionate 25. Aggressive 26. Alleviate 27. Ambitious 28. Ample 29. Anxiety 30. Apparent 31. Appreciate 32. Approach 33. Aptitude 34. Arrogant 35. Articulate 36. Assertive 37. Assess 38. Assign 39. Association 40. Assume 41. Avid 42. Awareness 43. Cautious 44. Circumstance 45. Coherent 46. Collaborate 47. Committed 48. Compassionate 49. Competent 50. Comprehend 51. Aerial 52. Aesthetic 53. Allot 54. Analogy 55. Arc 56. Archives 57. Attain 58. backward 59. Accumulation 60. Appreciation 61. Architecture 62. Commissioner 63. Communicable 64. Configuration 65. Conservative 66. Considerably 67. Carbohydrate 68. Explanation 69

Many people argue that restaurants should be required to disclose the nutritional information of the dishes they serve. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

  Many people argue that restaurants should be required to disclose the nutritional information of the dishes they serve. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? This answer is submitted by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur considering the plagiarism policy. Food is fuel for everyone, and it must be nutritious always to get a sound body. Therefore, a number of individuals contend that restaurants must show nutritional information regarding the dishes they provide. I agree with the statement since I believe the merits outperform the demerits. On the one hand, plenty of factors sustain the positive aspect of this notion. The primary benefit is parents will feel better about choosing a meal for their children when they are aware of the nutrition level of the items being purchased. Moreover, by providing nutritional information, minors can gradually learn about healthy eating and cultivate better eating habits. The secondary miracle of this culture is that adding nutritional labels increa

Historical objects and artefacts should be brought back to their country of origin. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Historical objects and artefacts play an imperative role in the history of a concerned nation since they are associated with roots. Hence, I agree entirely with the notion.  The fundamental argument for repatriating stolen artefacts is a moral one. Like the artworks which were stolen by Nazi Germany in the Second World War, there is an expectation by many that artefacts taken in wars before should be returned too. Many people believe that historical items unearthed on the land of other countries remain the property of those countries, regardless of who found them or who controlled that country at the time. The second argument is a cultural one. The artefacts do not have cultural significance to the host countries and museums in which they are displayed. Thus, by returning the artefacts to the source countries, they can be displayed for local people to experience aspects of their culture, history and roots.  The third argument is both structural and financial. Many museums have catalo

August 04 - Task 1 - Both Academics and General

  The diagram below shows the typical stages of consumer goods manufacturing, including the process by which information is fed back to earlier stages to enable adjustment. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the process shown. You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. General A TV company is going to make a new programme about a place near your home.   Write a letter to the head of the production company . In your letter   explain how you found out about the TV program say how you know the place where they plan to film suggest some information about the place that could be included in the TV program

Describe a difficult decision you once made.

Describe a difficult decision you once made. You should say: what the decision was when you made this decision how long it took to make the decision and explain why it was difficult to make the decision. Right decisions play an imperative role in everyone's life. Some decisions are easier; however, a few are difficult. Here, I would like to talk about a difficult decision I made. What the decision was This decision was all about my higher studies after completing my 12th standard in India. I decided of going to Canada after clearing my IELTS test. When you made this decision I took this decision four to five months ago when my maternal uncle from Calgary visited us and he guided me about my bright future. Moreover, he recommended me in preparing for the IELTS test so that I could move abroad after getting good bands.  How long it took to make the decision It took around two months to decide on this matter since I love my country and parents, and therefore, it is an uphill task for

Anorexia Essay

  Nowadays many people are diagnosed with anorexia. What are the causes of this? What can be done to improve the situation? Nowadays many people are diagnosed with anorexia. What are the causes of this? What can be done to improve the situation? An eating disorder characterised by abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight is called anorexia. Both biological and psychological factors add pain to this trouble. We can curb this menace by following a stringent daily routine and diet plan.  To start with, there are plenty of reasons behind anorexia. The primary cause is due to psychological issues. They include eating as a way to gain a sense of control when other areas of their lives are very stressful or when they feel overwhelmed. Moreover, feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, anxiety, anger, or loneliness also might contribute to the development of the disorder. The secondary aspect is that this disorder is associated with tro

Many monuments, which are a part of our cultural diversity are protected and reconstructed by law. A few people think these structures should be destroyed and something new should be constructed. How important is it to put more effort into monument maintenance? Do you think that through their maintenance, history is coming in the way of progress?

  Many monuments, which are a part of our cultural diversity are protected and reconstructed by law. A few people think these structures should be destroyed and something new should be constructed. How important is it to put more effort into monument maintenance? Do you think that through their maintenance, history is coming in the way of progress? Monuments associated with cultural heritage hold a significant status in the nation, and the authorities must restore them as per historical perspective. Moreover, I think monument maintenance is vital since it is the best way to get knowledge about history.  To start with, there are plenty of factors sustaining my viewpoint. The primary aspect is that monuments remind us of our heritage. They are like a treasure for a nation and a symbol of pride in their civilization. They help us to appreciate our past and the level of development, knowledge and thoughts. In a way, they provide life to our past. They serve as pivotal sources of evidence o

August 3 - Task 1 - Both Academics and General

  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram shows how apple is canned. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words

Boxing Essay

  Boxing is a blood sport which often results in physical injury. It is inappropriate for this sport to exist in the modern age. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers, and include any relevant examples from your knowledge and experiences. The answer is submitted by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur considering the plagiarism policy. Sports play an imperative role in everyone's life since it is the best way to stay sound. However, dangerous sporting activity like boxing is deadly. Therefore, a few individuals say the authorities must ban it in the contemporary era. I partially agree with the notion since it is indeed a deadly sporting activity; nevertheless, it also bears some advantages. On the one hand, the given viewpoint is authentic to a significant extent. Firstly, boxing is responsible for brain damage and other brain-related diseases. It happens owing to blows to the head per match. It is the biggest reason behind brain tissue damage. As a result, nerve networks can tea

The best way to protect the environment is to use local resources, such as food or building materials rather than transporting resources from other places. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  The best way to protect the environment is to use local resources, such as food or building materials rather than transporting resources from other places. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The essay is written by BAWA IELTS Firozpur using the plagiarism policy. The environmental issue has become a grave concern since humans pollute it regularly. Thus, a section of society believes that the finest way to protect our ecosystem is to use local resources than transportation from other areas. I partially agree with the notion since it will curb pollution levels. However, it may also impose pressure on a particular area.  On the one hand, plenty of benefits sustain the given viewpoint. The primary usefulness of using local foods and building materials is that people will stave away diseases like Asthma and Cancer. To be more precise, transportation contributes to air pollution which affects public health. When we reduce transportation and lower energy use, emissions that cause clim