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Showing posts from August, 2022

Describe an educational trip you went on.

  Describe an educational trip you went on. You should say: Where this place was? What you did do there? With whom do you go there? Explain why you thought this trip was educational. Educational trips are like the heart and soul of students since they instil knowledge in them. I took part in several educational trips and here, I would like to talk about my favourite one.  Where this place was? During this trip, we visited Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Power Plant which is located at Ghanauli Village near Ropar district in Punjab. What you did do there? We grabbed knowledge about the production of electricity there. This power plant is one of the coal-based power plants of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited also called PSPCL. Hence, the engineers there taught us the way how electricity from coal is generated.  With whom you went there? I went there with my class and three teachers, and we grabbed immense knowledge there.  Explain why you thought this trip was educational. I accumu

Task 1. Process Chart. August 31

  Written By: Our Student, Kamal Preet Kaur The diagrammatic view elucidates the phases involved in the manufacturing of liquid chocolate from cocoa beans. The mechanism transpires in ten discrete stages. Overall, the initial phase emphasises cocoa tree farming; however, the liquid chocolate is made in the last step. According to the provided data, cocoa trees are cultivated in S. America, Africa and Indonesia, which initiates the whole procedure. Afterwards, the matured red pods are harvested and white cocoa beans are gathered, which is alluded to in the second stage. In the third step, the fermentation of collected beans is taken out, by availing banana leaves. Furthermore, the fermented beans are sun-dried, so that they can be stored in giant sacks and then weighed, which is headed by the fifth step. Moreover, the packed beans are fetched by trains or lorries and shifted to the factory. This commences the next phase of roasting the beans in an oven at 350• Celsius. Moving further, a

Many Food And Drinks Contain High Levels Of Sugar. Sugary Products Should Be Made More Expensive | Agree Or Disagree

Many Food And Drinks Contain High Levels Of Sugar and still, people like to eat them. Why?  Hence, Sugary Products Should Be Made More Expensive. Agree Or Disagree A number of produced eatables and beverages consist of a large quantity of sugar these days that acts as the major culprit behind plenty of health troubles. Thus, a section of society believes that the government must make these items costlier so that consumers consume them at a restricted level. I strongly condemn the given notion since by doing so, these products will be confined to the elite class only which will invite discrimination.   To start with, in this cut-throat competitive world, people run out of time to cook food at home, and hence, they prefer to buy ready-made meals consisting of enormous sugar. In particular, numerous people love to eat burgers and pizza along-with beverages such as carbonated and soda drinks that consist of high sugar quantity. As a result, they have been attacked by numerous deadly diseas

New Cue Card - Handmade Gift

  Describe a handmade gift you gave to a friend or a relative. You should say: what the gift was who you gave it to and when how you made it by hand Explain why you gave a handmade gift to this friend or relative. BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered plagiarism policy. It is thoroughly checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  Gifts play an imperative role in everyone's life since they bring happiness and joyful moments. Gifts can either be machine-made or sometimes handmade. Here, I would like to talk about a handmade gift that I presented to my uncle last December.  What the gift was? It was Jaggary which is a type of unrefined sugar, highly consumed in India and Southeast Asia. I prepared this sweet item at home, and it was purely handmade.  Who did you give it to and When? I presented this handmade item to my paternal uncle who resides in the USA. I gift
  Describe a handmade gift you gave to a friend or a relative. You should say: what the gift was who you gave it to and when how you made it by hand Explain why you gave a handmade gift to this friend or relative.

Task 1. Process Chart - Sugarcane Harvesting

  Written by our student - Kamal Preet Kaur. The process chart demonstrates the mechanism involved in sugar production from sugarcane. This procedure transpires in seven discrete steps. Overall, the initial step includes the cultivation of sugarcane and the last one emphasises drying and cooling to collect the sugar granules.  According to the provided data, a duration of 12 to 18 months is required to develop a fully thrived sugarcane crop, which is the first phase. The second step of harvesting is either done manually or by deploying machines. In this step, the matured sugarcane is gathered by cutting. Afterwards, sugarcane is crushed using a crusher to acquire its juice. Moreover, this juice is then filtered by availing a limestone filter, which is the fourth step.  The fifth stage initiates evaporating the juice by heating it on a burner so that a thick syrup-like consistency can be procured. Furthermore, the next step of centrifuging separates sugar crystals from the syrup. The ce
  The pie charts reveal the idea about activities that make people happy. The first graph emphasises the people under 30, and the second focuses on the people over 30. These charts are categorised into five sectors. Overall, people are happy with their achievements at work at both ages; however, unhappy with other factors. People below 30 feel happy about their achievements at work. This category records 31% votings, and people above 30 registers 32% polls. The first category has given 22% to accomplish their hobbies. This class has been boosted by two per cent in the second category. 14% less mature people favour other factors that are four per cent more than mature ones.  Besides this, just below the one-fifth proportion of people under 30 find happiness in having a good appearance, and 15% like travelling in the same class. Two in ten ratios of people over 30 attain pleasure after having financial security. And fourteen per cent get enjoyment with family. 

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can government do to reduce the amount of rubbish produced? Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

  Modern days witness that humans produce rubbish at a monumental scale these days. It is happening owing to ill-human activities. I am of the opinion that by the imposition of stringent laws, the government can tackle this menace.   To start with, unfriendly activities by humans are considered the main reasons behind this trouble that are composed of a number of weird habits. The primary reason is that almost every product we use is wrapped in plastic covers that are non-biodegradable for four centuries if goes unrecycled. End users utilise the product and discard plastic wrappers in trash bins since they believe in a throwaway culture. The secondary reason is that a plethora of places lack proper waste infrastructure. In brief, nearly one-third of plastics are not collected by a waste management system and end up as litter in the world’s lands, rivers and oceans. As a result, this waste plastic interferes daily routine of people due to the fact the rubbish inclines.  To get around th

Process Chart

  A process chart emphasises the way of collecting rainwater to make it fit for drinking after its treatment in an Australian town. Overall, this underground water treatment is simple and consists of roughly three different steps.   According to the given data, it is evident that rainwater is being collected on the rooftops and then diverts towards underground pipes via drainage pipe that is adjoining the roof to the ground. This collected rainwater is then sent to a cylindrical-shaped water filter that is installed underground. This filter supplies filtered water to the rectangular shape storage tank that stores filtered water.   Moving further, stored water from the storage tank is then headed towards the Water Treatment Tank which is almost the same shape and size as the storage tank. In this treatment plan, with the help of chemicals, this water is being treated and making it fit for drinking.   Finally, this water treatment plant is pumping the potable water toward homes where thi

Nowadays, some people are changing their way of looking through hair colour, cosmetics and even plastic surgery. What are the reasons? Is it a good thing?

Nowadays, some people are changing their way of looking through hair colour, cosmetics and even plastic surgery. What are the reasons? Is it a good thing?  Undoubtedly, in modern days a few people change their looks and facial features by undergoing hair colour, cosmetics and opting for plastic surgery. The advent of the materialistic era is one of the major issues behind this trend, and I think it invites merits and demerits.  To start with, people head towards beauty parlours and saloons to stay young and beautiful. Moreover, these days a number of youngsters love to mushroom their careers in the fashion industry, owing to which they must change their facial expressions. To cite an example, it is clear that numerous models and celebrities prefer to undergo plastic surgery to allure the public by getting ultra-fine faces. Hence, this culture is in vogue these days.  On the one hand, innumerable merits have been reported by opting for plastic surgery, hair colour and cosmetics. Initial

Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike

  Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike  You should say  Where it is?  What it is used for?  What does it look like?  And explain why you like or dislike it.  There are many buildings in my hometown that are adding charm to its status. Amongst them, some are horizontal; however, some are tall or vertical. In this cue card, I will like to speak about my favourite one.  Where it is?  This building is named as Anglo-Sikh War Memorial which is located on the outskirts of my hometown Ferozepur on the banks of twin canals in a village named Ferozeshah on National Highway-05.  What it is used for?  This impressive structure's exposed concrete reveals the extent to which its architect HS Chopra absorbed the Corbusian ideology and idiom. This building is associated with the historical Anglo-Sikh wars between 1845 and 1849 and hence, acts as a museum nowadays.  What does it look like?  The building has a free plan and free facade which employs independent structural colum

Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by alternative sources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by alternative sources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. A few individuals consider that artists are entitled to federal financial assistance, while others feel that they should seek different sources of revenue. I am of the opinion that in certain cases, government aid is justified; however, for the majority, supplying their income is a catalyst to create quality artwork. Proponents of this policy argue that it can free artists to be more creative. If an artist is concerned about paying their rent and buying groceries, they will have less time and energy to dedicate to their artwork. Even more importantly, financial considerations will influence their work. Many painters, writers, and musicians are more likely to produce commercially viable artworks than artistically honest ones. There have been numerous examples

Task 1 - August 25

Two pie charts emphasize the major modes of transportation for people commuting to a university for work or study purposes in 2004 and 2009. Both charts have five different sectors. Overall, the maximum proportion of masses opted for cars in the first-mentioned year; however, in the second-mentioned year, buses attracted more people. According to the graphs, in 2004, just over two-quarters proportion of travellers used cars for commuting, and this percentage tanked just under three in ten after five years. In the former year, exactly one-third of people used buses, but, in the latter year, this ratio boosted by 13%. The bicycle had attracted just 9% in 2004 and 16% in 2009. Besides this, in 2004, train and walking had grabbed 3% and 4% of commuters respectively; on the contrary, in 2009, this proportion was 4% and 6% separately.  Finally, in 2006, car parking changed at the university, and a new bus stand had been added at the same campus in 2008. How to use Proportions Percentages: 10

Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole. Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

 Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole. Discuss this view and give your own opinion.  These days, Certain masses dislike eating meat not only to stay away from diseases but also, because they consider this concept beneficial for the entire ecosystem. Hence, this essay is an attempt of discussing this notion along with an appropriate opinion.  To start with, if consumed in higher amounts, fish and meat impose detrimental effects on the human body since they are highly rich in fat and calories. Owing to this, the body starts retaining excessive fats and oils which invite several diseases, especially obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular troubles. Moreover, it has been a proven fact that by eating Beef, a set of people have been exposed to diarrhoea, severe poisoning, and even kidney failure. Along with this, recently in the UK, roughly a quarter proportion of people faced severe skin

Nowadays in many countries, traditional customs are less popular than in the past. Do you agree or disagree? What can parents and teachers do about this?

  Nowadays in many countries, traditional customs are less popular than in the past. Do you agree  or disagree? What can parents and teachers do about this?      Unarguably, modern days witness an alarming decline in traditional customs and culture compared to the past. I completely agree with this notion, and by making the current generation aware of cultural aspects more deeply, the parents and teachers can reverse the issue.  The reason behind my support is that the globe has changed drastically in the past one or two decades. Moreover, with the advent of technology, especially the Internet, this world has become a global village. Hence, today’s generation has grabbed more knowledge about other cultures. More specifically, while residing in India, teenagers prefer to wear western clothes since they have more choices. Therefore, globalisation is gulping local cultures.  To get around this cultural invasion, both teachers and parents should have to come forward to investigate this mat
The vertical bar graph reveals the worldwide sales of diverse varieties of computer games from 2000 to 2006. It is a multiple bar graph that emphasises four major game types. Overall, handheld games gained the highest popularity among all provided. In 2000, console games recorded sales of about 6 $bn and these were nearly half that of handheld. In 2001, online games were introduced by recording sales of 2 $bn. The sales of console games almost remained consistent; however, handhelds documented just over 12 $bn. In 2002, mobile phone games started selling, and both mobile phone and online games contacted similar sales of about 2 $bn. This year console games kept on declining, but handheld games touched 15 $bn.  The sales of mobile phone games surpassed the sales online in 2003. Console games followed identical sales in 2003 and 2004. Handheld plays recorded 15 $bn and 16$bn in 2003 and 2004, respectively.  In 2005, mobile phone frolics registered sales of 6 $bn. The sales of online game

Talk about a time when you learnt a difficult word.

  Talk about a time when you learnt a difficult word. 1. What this word is? 2. Where did you read it for the first time? 3. How did you find the meaning of the word? 4. What did you found it difficult to learn? BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this task using its own language. We have considered the plagiarism policy. It is thoroughly checked using the iThenticate check mechanism. W e have not violated the intellectual property rights of any website.  Life is a learning process and to polish ourselves, we should have to learn regularly. A number of words I’ve learned so far and now, I am going to talk about a typical one. 1. What this word is? This word is “CRICOPHARYNGEAL SPASM” which is one of the most typical words that I’ve read so far. 2. Where did you read it for the first time? I exactly remember the time when my IELTS trainer had given me notes of an IELTS essay based on some words physical troubles, and In that essay, for the first time, I encountered such words.