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Showing posts from May, 2022

Cue Card - Talk about an important/Special event you celebrated.

Talk about an important/Special event you celebrated. You should say: What was it? When did you celebrate? Where did you celebrate? Who was with you? Why was It special? The published data is fully novel and does not come under plagiarism. It is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur covering Intellectual Property Rights Laws.    Events instil positive energy in one's mind since they are full of enthusiasm and zeal. A number of events I have attended so far and here, I would like to talk about a special one. What was it? It was the housewarming ceremony of my cousin's brother and we all gathered there. When did you celebrate? We celebrated it two months ago in January and it was one of the most cherishing moments of my life. Where did you celebrate?  We celebrated it in the same house where he was going to be shifted. Since it is a huge duplex house and therefore, he invited us to his home. Who was with you? I attended that function with my parents. Why was it special?  It was special

Talk About A Person Who Takes Less Mental Stress

Talk About A Person Who Takes Less Mental Stress  Who This Person is?  How well do you know him?  How does he save his energy?  Would you like to follow him or be like him?  The published data is fully novel and does not come under plagiarism. It is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur covering Intellectual Property Rights Laws.    Mental or phycological stress has been viewed as an asymmetry between the motivational systems of reward and punishment and this stress is giving mental trouble to people nowadays. I know some people who take less mental stress and I'm going to talk about a particular one.  Who This Person is?  The name of this person is Mr Singh who is my neighbour and he is a Doctor by profession. He is providing his services in a renowned hospital in my hometown Ferozepur for several years and he is so polite in nature too.  How well do you know him?  I know him very well since we are neighbours and sharing the same neighbourhood named Palm City for a decade. Though he is

Task 1 - Diagram and Flowchart Type Concept

The diagram below shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather to produce reliable forecasts. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The published data is fully novel and does not come under plagiarism. It is written by BAWA IELTS Ferozepur covering Intellectual Property Rights Laws.  The process chart presents information about weather forecasting based on three different reliable sources on a real-time basis. The data belongs to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Overall, this procedure is divided into four diverse sections: Incoming Information, Analysis and Forecasting, Broadcast Preparation, and Final Broadcasting.  The first step is to deploy three types of information collectors named Satellite, Radar and Drifting Buoy. The first system is the satellite that gathers information from the space and transmits accumulated data in the form of a satellite photo toward the workstation. B

Task one - Bar Graph

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1/ Graph Writing - Bar/ Column Graph: » You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph below shows the percentages of male and female US citizens who never married. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. The data here provided is written by BAWA IELTS FEROZEPUR. It does not come under Plagiarism. The column graph reveals the data about unmarried American males and females. The information covers the time from 1990 to 2010.  Overall, men registered the highest proportion as compared to women during the given two decades. In 1990, just over 25% of males were bachelors against just under 20% of females. After ten years, the male ratio reached nearly 27%; however, females were at almost 20%. In 2005, this ratio kept on boosting and touched around 27.5% and 21.5% in males and females, respectively.  From 2008 to 2010, the first given gender was in the same

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language in primary schools rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? This Essay is written by BAWA IELTS FEROZEPUR. We have followed the material published by World Linguistic Schools, The Netherlands. Learning a foreign language plays an indispensable role in children's life. Owing to this, a few professionals believe that school-goers must start learning a foreign language at primary schools instead of secondary. Undeniably, I am of the opinion that this will bring more merits than demerits. On the one hand, it is always fruitful to begin learning a new language since it promotes healthy development, and the many cognitive and social benefits will last a lifetime. The primary benefit is that it will give them a head start. In-depth, children who learn another language before age five use the same part of the brain to acquire that second language that they use

Task One - Map

  Universal Diagram for Directions (Being used in every map) The data here provided is written by BAWA IELTS FEROZEPUR. It does not come under Plagiarism. The maps reveal the changes in a cinema hall in 2022 compared to 1980. Overall, a number of changes have been made in these four decades, and no car parking facility is provided now.  In 1980, the car parking was located in the North direction covering an area from the North-West to the North-East. Cinema 2 was installed in the East, and drinks were there in the South-East. The ticket counter was facilitated immediate left to the drinks corner. The entrance was given in the South, and Cinema 1 was covering an area from the South-West to the South-SouthWest. The toilet facility was given just above the West.  In 2022, Cinema 2 has now been relocated to the North-West, and Cinema 1 to just below the West. However, the toilet, entrance and ticket counter remain unchanged. In the place of drinks, now there is a DVD shop. Similarly, in th

The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. » You should write at least 150 words.

  The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in winter and summer. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home.  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.  »  You should write at least 150 words. The dual-line graph reveals the demand for electricity during the winter and summer seasons. The data covers different hours of the day in England. The pie chart delivers information about electricity consumption in an average English home. Overall, the highest usage of electricity has been recorded in winters, and for heating room and water, people use the maximum power.  The line graph depicts that at Zero hours people use 34000 units in winters as compared to 18000 in summers. At 3, the units touch 40000 in cold weather and drop to 15000 in hot weather. At 9, in summers, the units are the same as that of 6. However, in winter, the unit consumption tanks to near

Describe a product made in the region you come from or a popular product from your hometown.

Describe a product made in the region you come from or a popular/traditional product from your hometown. - what it is, what does it look like? - what it is used for? - explain why your country makes it? - explain why is it popular?    The data here provided is written by BAWA IELTS FEROZEPUR. It does not come under Plagiarism. Every region has its uniqueness according to its area and the creativity of its people. A number of products are manufactured in my region and now I am going to talk about an important one. What does it is or what does it look like? This product is called Jaggery a traditional non-centrifugal cane sugar and very sweet.  Sometimes it is oval in shape or can be rectangular. What it is used for? Jaggery is used as an ingredient in sweet and Savory dishes in the cuisines of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Jaggery is also added to lentil soups to add sweetness to balance the spicy salty components. Moreover, during many festivals such as the festival

Nowadays in many countries, traditional customs are less popular than in the past. Do you agree or disagree? What can parents and teachers do about this?

Nowadays in many countries, traditional customs are less popular than in the past. Do you agree or disagree? What can parents and teachers do about this?    Unarguably, these days are witnessing an alarming decline in traditional customs and culture as compared to the past. I completely agree with this notion, and by making the current generation aware of customs more deeply, this trouble can be reversed.  The globe has changed drastically in the past one or two decades. Moreover, with the advent of technology, especially the Internet, this world has become a global village. Hence, today’s generation is seizing more knowledge about other cultures. More specifically, while residing in India, teenagers prefer to wear western clothes since they have more choices. Therefore, globalization is gobbling local cultures.  To get around this cultural invasion, both teachers and parents should have to come forward to investigate this matter thoroughly by following certain aspects. Firstly, on a r

In some countries, the number of shooting massacres is on the rise because many people have guns at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  The crime rate in society has inclined in recent days, and numerous people consider having guns responsible for this. I completely agree with the notion since gun culture provokes people to participate in these activities. To start with, guns impose a significant threat to people's lives and must be forbidden completely. Several times, it has been reported that criminal activities are upsurging with the usage of guns and having them at home. Moreover, crime in the streets has also flared up as people use their firearms during a heated debate. For instance, recently in the USA, an 18-year-old youngster killed nearly 21 school students with his gun which has become a matter of grave concern.  Therefore, the liberal gun culture must be prohibited to save precious lives.   Another factor is the common use of a gun augments the odds that violence will lead to fatality. Further, several people are suffering from a mental illness which is not so dangerous, but the use of a gun makes the

Government should spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than supporting professional sports and art performances for the general public. Do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

Government should spend money to encourage the development of sport and art for school students, rather than supporting professional sports and art performances for the general public. Do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion. In the contemporary era, there is a heated argument over the issue of whether the government should spend their money on developing sports and arts for supporting professionals for mass people. A lion's share of the society favours development, however, the rest goes adverse and favours professionals. I do not completely agree with either of these perspectives and will support my explanation with relevant examples. On the one hand, students should be encouraged to participate in these skills for their growth and development. This is because, learners should have the autonomy to choose, which helps them to acknowledge new dimensions of their life. For example, a report published by the UK newspaper in 2011, highlighted the Neurocognitive development of

Some people say that schools do not make enough efforts to teach young people to look after their health and they add that schools should take health education more seriously. Do you agree or disagree?

  The deterring health of school-goers has become a matter of grave concern owing to which a few individuals contend that schools should take necessary measures to uplift their health. They also believe the schools do not emphasise enough physical activities. I agree with the given notion since schools mainly focus on other subjects. However, I am of the opinion that parents must take part in such activities too. The primary reason is that schools focus on subjects like science, mathematics and history since they believe that these areas are beneficial in getting jobs in the future. But, the students are still devoid of knowledge about physical health, and hence, plenty of diseases have started gulping them. Schools should include physical education subjects as mandatory because these areas are advantageous in getting a healthy body. Obesity is bursting with each passing day among students showing a lack of physical activities.  Another reason is the burden of traditional subjects due

The diagram shows the working of the water cycle.

The diagram shows the working of the water cycle. The diagram illustrates the various stages in the water cycle.  Overall, the water cycle is divided into a number of stages and the transformation of water into different states is primarily brought about by the power of the sun. The sun produces adequate heat which forces the water in the sea, lakes and rivers to evaporate as invisible water vapour. At this stage of the water cycle, the water vapour accumulates in the sky with the help of the wind. Moreover, plants' and trees' transpiration occurs when vapours cool to form clouds. As the water vapour cools down, it forms clouds. The clouds then cool further, causing the vapour to fall into the earth in the form of rain. The rain which falls on the ground travels on the ground into the lakes, rivers, and seas. Additionally, a portion of rainwater penetrates porous rocks becoming groundwater in the process, which eventually flows into lakes, rivers and seas. From this point, the

Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others think parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch TV, or movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others think parents needn’t do that as children can read books or watch TV, or movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Parents are the most important factor in the upbringing of a child. Some advocates believe that stories should be read or told to children by their parents, while others are of the opinion that it is unnecessary as children can watch tv or movies or read books by themselves. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints and share my personal opinion in this regard. On the one hand, people say that reading or telling a book story can help children to understand values. This is because when parents read out these stories, they try to relate them to the practical aspect of society and teach a child how to behave by understanding the moral of the chapter. For instance, it is widely known that the story of rabbit and turtle, which is based on the laziness of the rabbit, is a very

Cue Card - Describe an invention that has changed how people live.

You should say: What it is? How has it changed people’s lives? What benefits does it bring? And explain if it is more important for older or younger people. BAWA IELTS Ferozepur has written this cue card using its own language. We have considered the plagiarism policy. This essay is fully checked using the iThenticate check mechanism.  Inventions have changed the perspective of the world and helped change people's lives. Several inventions have changed the whole scenario; however, here I like to speak about my favourite one.  What it is? It is none other than the Internet that belongs to the concept of packet switching and it was developed by the ARPANET in 1960. It has no single centralized governance in either technological implementation or policies for access and usage.  How has it changed people’s lives? The Internet has changed people's lives by leaps and bounds by providing revolutionized communications. It is now accessible using cell phones too and hence, people can us